
682 14 3

January 11, 1941


seeing a hundred n' fifty men in their underwear every day, we are here to serve!" Barbara bantered, and laughter was heard all around the back of the train car.
The nurses were headed to a nightclub in New York City-- Café Society. I was familiar, as I had performed there at least ten times before. I performed for crowds of people at nightclubs all across Manhattan, and people come to see me sing at Radio City Music Hall. I was a starlet in the making, as my Father and many journalists put it. I never believed it. All I had was a passion for singing. Still, I felt almost hurt as I declined an agent's offer for a record deal. I had certain duties as a Naval nurse that kept me from accepting. Maybe it was for the best; I knew I wouldn't care for stardom.

"I can't believe it!" Betty excited. "Saturday night in New York City. Do you know what they're doing where I come from?" She said. "Nothing. Cow-tipping."
I giggled at her remark. I was always seeming to forget that not everyone was fortunate enough to live here, in the city of dreams. Manhattan was everything to me, although I wish there were beaches nearby. If there were, everything would be perfect. But, that isn't how the world works. There's always a fault to every benefit.

"Well, that's why you joined the Navy, Hun. Get outta that dusty little town and see the world!" Barbara patted Betty's knee, smiling at her.
"May I remind you, Barbara, we're Navy nurses, not tourists." Sandra looked up from her magazine.
"I joined to do my patriotic duty, and... to meet guys," Martha said without cracking a smile, powder-puffing her cheeks.
"Me too." Betty giggled.

"Girls, we're gonna have so much fun tonight in the city." I smiled, my ankles crossed, and my hands rested on my lap. I was in a black dress with a golden design embroidered around the collar, and a mink coat, with fur bordering every edge. My hair was done in pin curls, my lips a deep red. I held my black velvet gloves in my hand.
"We gotta find Molly a date tonight, ladies." Barbara
"Why me?" I laughed, placing my hand over my chest.
"'Cause that guy you met at the hospital is probably long gone." She was staring at herself through a compact mirror, applying her lipstick.
"Oh, that guy..? I don't... he's- nothing." I let out a nervous laugh.
"Well, good! Cause there's gonna be a long line of pilots waitin' for you." She winked.
"She's right, Moll. You're too hot to be alone." Betty added.
"Yeah." I managed shyly, laughing under my breath, shrugging my shoulders up.

"Well, that Anthony fella sure had his eye on you, Sandra," I smirked in her direction in desperation to change the subject.
"Me?! Good heavens, no!"
"Don't be so modest," I giggled.
"I saw the way he was lookin' at you during that hearing exam." Barbara too began smirking.

"No, thank you." She shook her head and went right back to reading her magazine.
Although we all adored her, teasing Sandra was more than fun. She was innocent as a rose.

"I can't wait to see the world," Betty sighed dreamily. "Where do you think they'll send us?"
"I hope it's somewhere warm," Sandra said.
"You and me both," Barbara said. "Someplace tropical, where all you need is a good party dress and a suntan."
"I'll cheers to that," I smiled at her.

Maybe we would be sent somewhere beyond the Pacific. I remembered what the man at the front desk had said. 'Pearl Harbor', the name played back in my mind. I gazed out the window, dreaming of lounging under the Hawaiian sun. Paradise.

The train came to a halt, the girls scurrying out the doors from excitement before I could even stand. I gathered my things as I tried to do the same with my thoughts. "Tonight, I'll meet somebody new," I told myself. The thought of it haunted me, but I knew it was for the best. I knew it had to be this way. He was a stranger. I didn't know him any more than he knew me. It was time to forget. Forget that smile, that gleam in his eyes. Leave him behind. He was only a memory now.

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