Black Manor

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   "That's bullshit! You can't just take her back there. Not after what those bloody bastards did to her!" The three of them, Alastor, Jade, and Tom sat in the common room across from each other.
    "How could you just do that to her!? Either she stays or where coming with. I'm not letting Geni be around people who could never love her like-"

   "Careful on your words there Black." Tom would never let anyone disrespect his love for Nagini. He adored her, cherished her, cared for her like no other.
    Only he could truly take care of her.

"I'm taking her back because her training is important for her health. Nagini isn't entirely human. She'll be under my intense supervision, by the time you guys arrive Nagini and I would have already finished the Red Room ceremony. You two will be in charge of taking care of things here while I'm gone. Malfoy has been talking about a dinner party, I can't go so you two are."

    Mentions of the Red Room made Jade and Alastor uneasy. The Red Room is a tradition all members of the Noble House of Black had to follow in order for their marriage to be recognized and approved. It's exactly what it sounds. A dark red room, empty when it's alone but once you step inside it's filled with everything you need to fufill your fantasy.

   But why so nervous? Well, the Elders have approved of Jades arranged marriage. She'll have to enter that room with Alastor by the time she finishes Hogwarts. Once you sleep with your 'lover' in the Red Room then its over. Your sealed to them and divorce is only valid through death. Once you get out it's promised that a kid is on the way with no vial to help.

    "You can't be serious. The training I understand, I recognize your connection and I know you'll never let it escalate. But don't you think the Red Room is a bit much?" Jade can feel their bond. While her best friend could mentally torture someone, she could emotionally cause damage. She knows Tom can't love. But she also knows Nagini is his only restriction to a killing spree.

   "It's only if I see it has to be done at the moment. Nagini doesn't know about it, only about the ball and the training. I'd advise you to stay on task and keep quite. Nagini cares for you, it's what's keeping you all alive." Standing up, Tom grabbed his journal waiting for their response.

   "Yes lord we understand. Just please, I beg you please be easy on her. There brutal when it comes to her perfection."
   Tom nodded, leaving them as he left to his dorm. Everything was ready. All he needed was Nagini to be ready.

"Nagini dear." Tom came inside the room to find his beloved facing the glass window, exposing the dark waters of the black lake. In her arms laid that dreadful cat. Smug little bastard.
     "Dear are you okay. I shouldn't have left you alone, it's okay now love. It won't happen again. This accident did however, prove my point. As much as I hate bringing you back to that disgusting place, you need proper training. You are important Nagini."
Fake sympathy? Yes. Tom did hate her family but was grateful for their lack of planning. It's what lead Nagini to him.
She's a snake charmer. His snake charmer.

"I guess we'll just have to miss Hogwarts celestial ball again."
   Tom walked up behind her. His head nuzzled into her neck as he took a deep breath. His hands running down her body as he moved his fingers to magically move the tattooed lines around her body.
    "I'll make it up to you my dear." Nagini felt tingles around her body. Curious as Tom carried her body to the bed. The cat running off, leaving her behind.

     "Hey wait- Thomas you scarred the poor kitty. I wanted to play with her a bit longer."

    "Your always with the creature. Sometimes I think you prefer it more than me." Nagini frantically held on to Tom. How could he think that?
"That's not true! Your my best friend I swear!" Only then did Tom realize. What exactly is their tittle? It sure as hell wasn't best friends. But too poor little Nagini it was.

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