Chapter 19

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  Jimin's head is throbbing when he wakes up. He rubs his lip lightly and flinches, it's definitely bruised. He groans as he sits up and looks around.

He's in his room, but having trouble recalling exactly what happened last night. He looks through his outgoing calls and messages. It all slowly starts coming back to him.

  -The day before-

Jimin went to Elianas's house, he had been doing this on and off for a while now. He wanted to go in and see her, but he was prideful. He wasn't one to chase or ask for forgiveness.

  He could have anyone he wanted but all he really wanted was her. It annoyed him how he couldn't get her out of his head. What annoyed him most of all was seeing her with Hoseok.

  After he saw them pulling out as he was driving up, he followed them and spent the better part of his day watching them, fueling his anger until he could no longer take it.

He watched as they went into Hoseok's house and decided he had seen enough. Full of frustration he headed to a bar where he knew he'd find just what he needed.

He needed to have some fun and get Eliana out of his head. He was obsessing over her too much.

  He got drunk and spent the night dancing with a pretty woman. She was exactly the distraction he needed at that moment and she was set on going home with him.

As soon as they got to his house they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. He pushed her on to the bed and she pulled her shirt over her head, eager to keep going.

He took in the sight of her, hazy eyes slowly raking over her body. She parted her legs, her mini skirt riding up and leaving very little to the imagination.

His eyes locked with hers and for a moment he could have sworn he saw Eliana. He shook his head getting rid of the intruding thought. "Fuck." He muttered as his eyes wondered down a bit and refocused on the woman's full lips and then on her cleavage.

She noticed and got up, wrapping her arms around his neck, pushing herself flush against his body. She bit her lip seductively, enticing him to lay down with her.

He inhaled the sweet scent of her perfume before running his tongue along her neck and then kissing her jawline as he made his way up to her lips.

  He kissed her with a sense of urgency as they made their way back on to the bed, his fingers fumbling with the button of her jean skirt. He was desperate to get her naked, desperate to be immersed in someone that wasn't Eliana. Desperate to forget about her, at least for tonight.


  It was futile, his mind was playing tricks on him. As he fucked this woman, images of Eliana blurred in and out in her place.

It might have been the alcohol in his system, but he finally gave into it. He sucked in a harsh breath and then exhaled. "Fuck, Eliana."  Her name breathlessly slipped from his lips as he gripped the woman's hips tightly.

"Eliana?" The woman questioned as she looked down at him, halting her movements. Awkward silence filled the room momentarily. Realizing what happened he became frustrated and he yelled at her to leave.

She stared down at him, a look of confusion and shock on her face. "What are you waiting for? I don't want to fuck you anymore. I'm bored! Get off of me and get the hell out of my house!" He yelled at her once again making her flinch.

She picked up her scattered clothes and quickly left his room without looking back. After a couple of minutes he heard the front door shut. He layed there for a while thinking about what had just happened.

  The room was spinning but without a second thought he got up and got dressed then grabbed his car keys. He ended up at Eliana's house banging on her door but nobody answered. The house was seemingly empty and at that moment he knew exactly where she was.


He groans at the memory. Everything from last night is coming back piece by piece. He knows he'll have to deal with Hoseok again later, he doesn't care. He's just pissed off at the fact that Eliana spent the night at his house.

"Just friends." He speaks aloud remembering her words. "Yeah right." He laughs dryly and rolls his eyes. He hates the fact that he cares so much. Why does he care? He hadn't even been with her that long.

  For him playing with these women is fun and he enjoys the challenge, though it's never very much of a challenge for him.

-About 3 1/2 Months Earlier-

  When he met Eliana she was reserved and quiet. He found himself trying his best to impress her every time they met up, even more so than he had done with other women he had pursued in the past.

  Despite not knowing each other long they became close friends quickly. He asked her to be his girlfriend a month before his birthday and she accepted right away, leading him to think that she was quickly falling for him.

  They spent a lot of time together and he had to admit that she brought out a sweeter more caring side of him. He looked forward to their meet up's and dates, but on the days they weren't together he sometimes hooked up with other women.

Eliana seemed to have an innocence to her, she was sweet and caring and he liked that. Though he wanted to take that next step with her already, he held back.

He was going to take his time with her. He wanted  make her fall deeply in love so she would be fully devoted to him.

  He wanted all of her to himself.


  The image of innocence he had of her was destroyed on the night of his birthday party. Now all he can think about is her with Hoseok, kissing her, touching her in all the ways he hasn't. The jealousy he felt was overwhelming to the point that the images of them together drove him to drink at times.

  Why does she have to have a past with his friend? Why does she have to go back him? Is he not enough? Any other girl would be begging for him back, but she doesn't seem to want him anymore.

He hates the feeling of rejection. It isn't something he's used to. She's already moving on he's still stuck here, thinking about her day after day. It should be the other way around.

  His thoughts race back to Hoseok. He's the reason for all of this. Hoseok is supposed to be his friend and someone he can trust, but he betrayed him so easily.

Jimin always made sure never to put a girl before their friendship, no matter what the situation..

Hoseok on the other hand chose to end their friendship over this, but Jimin isn't going to let him win so easily. If Hoseok wants to play dirty then he'll play dirty too.

  He picks up his phone once again and makes a call. After a couple rings a woman on the other side of the line answers. "Jimin? Is it really you?" Jimin simply hums in response.

"I thought you'd never talk to me again after.. Anyway, it's been too long." She replies sounding a bit flustered but excited at the same time.

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