Chapter 7

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/A/N/ I finally finished my exams and wrote this chapter in around 5 hours so bear with me pls :') but aaay back from hiatus

Upon seeing both his sons in the throne room, heads hung low, Chronos couldn't help but wonder what news they had brought him this time. It certainly wasn't going to be good. ' What happened in Cydonia?'

Vulcannus held his breath for a moment, then confessed, ' We lost to the combined forces of the Tidesinger, Ardoni clans, Enderknights and three kingdoms...'

Chronos frowned. That was half of the six Ardoni kingdoms gone. He had initially thought the Enderking would be the only inconvenience, but this Tidesinger... would be a problem. And unlike the Enderknights who defended Ardonia on their own, Ingressus was uniting the Overworld people. Vulcannus and Pythus were his best fighters, yet they had lost despite having backup. Chronos slowly leaned forward, ' Any idea where they're headed next?'

' Most likely K'arthen,' Vulcannus guessed, ' If they manage to join forces with Magnorites...' He didn't even need to finish his sentence for them to know what he was getting at.

' Then we'll kill every one of them in that kingdom,' Pythus suggested bluntly.

' That will be genocide!' his brother exclaimed. Chronos rubbed his chin, deep in thought, and for a moment Vulcannus worried that his father was desperate enough for power to take such extreme measures, so he quickly added, ' If we do that, it'll only make the Overworld retaliate even more than they already have. They were obedient for some time after the defeat of the Enderknights... If we can do the same to the Tidesinger and prove that there is no questioning your power, perhaps the rebellion will die down...'

' Seems to me you're just trying too hard to spare their meaningless lives,' Pythus remarked, ' What about our people?'

' I care as much for our people as you do, Pythus.'

' Do you?' Pythus turned to face him, ' Are you actually loyal to the Nether, or are you scheming behind our backs? How are you able to lift Enderknight armour, the armour that only our sworn enemy should be able to lift?'

' I have no reason to betray you. There's still a lot of secrets to this world we have yet to discover, that being one of them,' Vulcannus argued.

' No reason? If Father dies, the throne will be yours-'

' Pythus,' Chronos warned, and the princes went silent. He then declared, ' We cannot defeat the combined strength of the Enderknights, the kingdoms, and the Ardoni. We must retreat.'

Both his sons were taken aback, especially Pythus, who protested, ' If we retreat, you will bring shame upon our lineage and draw question upon your right to the crown.'

Chronos considered his words for a moment, but still stood by his decision, ' I invaded the Overworld to ensure we would have more resources so our people would live better lives. But if it comes at the cost of having thousands slaughtered... I would rather save their lives... and both of yours as well... Inform everyone to return to the Nether, I expect none of our forces lingering in the Overworld by next week.'

Vulcannus was stumped yet relieved. Pythus however, was angered at his cowardice to take risks. Even so, he remained silent as he bowed with his brother, who noticed as he tightened his grip on the polearm of his axe.


Ingressus brushed his hand softly against the cut on Achillean's cheek. The Nestoris tried to hide it, yet couldn't help but wince at the pain. Ingressus frowned, feeling guilty knowing that he was the one who caused it, even if he wasn't in control of his own actions at the time. Achillean had done so much for him, but all he seemed to be capable of was hurting his brother.

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