Chapter 9

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/A/N/ Looks like I'm not the only one traumatised by UB

A Wither skeleton ushered its companions through the portal, which was somewhat concealed by vines. It looked around, ensuring it was the only one left before preparing to go through when someone grabbed it from behind, swiftly twisting its skull off its head. The bones clattered to the ground. Ingressus looked at the pile of bones for a moment until Pythus strolled past him, ' No hard feelings.'

Ingressus watched Pythus from behind, somewhat disgusted that the Netheran held so little regard for his people, but had little time to think about it. Kiyoto and Achillean joined them soon after. ' This is the portal we were looking for?'

' Yes,' Pythus confirmed, ' This one is not far from the armoury. Your Felden friends should have no trouble infiltrating it, but that doesn't mean no Netherans go around without their weapons...' Pythus warned as he faced the Felden general.

Kiyoto nodded, ' Alright, what about you and the Tidesinger?' the Felina did not even try to hide his distrustful tone towards the Netheran. Kiyoto was anything but comfortable with the idea of Ingressus going on alone with Pythus.

' We'll be heading on to the next portal. Pythus claims it's the closest to the throne room,' Ingressus informed them, ' Time runs slower in the Nether, so you can go on in as soon as you're ready. We'll have won this war before you know it.' Kiyoto nodded uneasily. Ingressus then looked towards the Nestoris beside him, ' Achillean...'

Achillean flinched upon seeing the look on his brother's face, ' You're not... You're not leaving me behind again, are you?'

Ingressus sighed. He hadn't known Achillean would take it so harshly last time but... ' It's for your own goo-'

' But what about you? You can't go face Chronos alone with... him!' Achillean shot Pythus an accusing glare.

As Ingressus opened his mouth to explain, Kiyoto stepped up, ' He's right... I'm sure me and Lyle can handle the armoury just fine... You on the other hand... Not that I don't have faith in your abilities, but even the Enderknights combined forces couldn't defeat him, let alone you on your own.'

Just then, a shadow fell over the group. An Enderdragon landed right next to them, King Rendor on its back, ' He won't be alone,' Rendor told them, sending a wary glance in Pythus' direction,' I'll have the Tidesinger's back. Besides, I have unfinished business with Chronos.' Though no one could see it under his helmet, Rendor frowned upon remembering the battle where he lost two of his fellow Enderknights.

' Kiyoto said it, he can handle the armoury himself,' Achillean protested, ' I won't change much being with him... But I can help you out there!'

' You'll be helping me a lot by staying safe,' Ingressus said.

' What about me? Don't you think I want you to be safe?' Achillean asked, ' We've pulled through everything together so far... what's changed? Why won't you let me join you?'

' Because I don't want to lose you too!' Ingressus yelled, now frustrated. His outburst stunned everyone to silence, especially Achillean. Ingressus looked away, ' Cecilia was right... Aegus is dead because of me... And I don't want the same to happen to you...' As much as Ingressus blamed the other clans for his loss, Cecilia's words were stuck in his mind, messing up his thoughts, making him rethink everything, only to realise had he just listened to Achillean the first time, to simply run away and hide, Aegus would never have died. It was his decision to go after the Prime Songs that they were in this situation now. And Cydonia had been a close call. Far too close for Ingressus' liking. If Thalleous hadn't been there... he could've killed his brother. Ingressus was not risking Achillean's life another time.

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