5 | New Arrival, Old Aquaintance

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Soundwave returned to their post from their elongated excursion, relieving the vehicon temporarily covering his duties at the central control deck.

Soundwave had been severely slacking on his work, to his standards, and he needed to make up for lost time. He had no time for any distractions of the sort. For that reason, Soundwave dispatched Laserbeak to handle all surveillance over the Nemesis while he was preoccupied with other, more concerning matters. That and making sure to do their absolute best to deter any who would dare dream of interrupting Soundwave's work. Quickly, he became engrossed in finding any new untapped signs of energon from the view of the console, scouring the earth and its terrain.

The Decepticons, while hosting a vast supply of energon, are in constant need of it to fuel the Nemesis and its many warriors who inhabit it. And as of now, a few too many Decepticon manned mines have been reduced to smithereens because of battles with the Autobots that end up exploding the unstable ore.

And yet, they still folly the valuable energon we have now, like bottomless scraplets.

Soundwave glowered at the screen, the only way to express his discontent with the Decepticon's state of affairs.

"Soundwave! What a nice surprise.."

His frame didn't exert any form of reaction or suprise, yet inwardly he was still found startled by the voice of Airachnid, one of her spindly appendages moving to graze under Soundwave's jaw. Soundwave glanced to them, silently irritated that she would disturb his work whilst simultaneously having the ability to sneak up on him, which he thought to be near impossible. He must be more fatigued than he first thought from that dream of sorts.

"I was sent here to check up on some things, and to also find a new location for my next independent mission." Airachnid began nonchalantly, setting one of her servos against her hip.

"You know me, I always do better solo." She curved a smirk, tilting Soundwave's helm a little closer towards her, to which he civilly used a digit to push her metal tendril away in response. She hummed in thought for a moment, before turning away.

"Now, have you found anything for me? An ancient device, energon, a stray cybertronian pod that recently crashed landed on this dirt ball of a planet, perhaps?" Airachnid listed off with apathy drenching her tone of voice.

"Please, if it was anything that important it would be left for me, Second-in-Command to the Decepticons, Starscream!" The Air Commander announced with a prominent stature of himself, an arrogant grin brimming on his face plate as he gallantly entered the bridge. Airachnid rolled her optics with a detestable expression plastered on herself.

"As if you could do any better, if Megatron would even let a back-stabbing weasel like yourself take the mission in the first place." She spat with venomous intent. Starscream gawked at her.

"Why y- like you have the right to say anything about treachery!" Starscream accused in a shout.

Soundwave clenched his fist tightly that was visibly shaking with anger. No one in their right mind could possibly think straight with these two arguing right into their audio receptors. He needs a plan to get them out; else they'll be quarreling there til the sun goes down. Soundwave typed something onto the screen in front of him, and then displayed a schematic of a ground bridge onto his visor. Within a few seconds, Soundwave connected a waypoint to the Nemesis and a destination for the two Decepticons. Now, the only remaining variable left was on how to get the both of them to proceed into the ground bridge willingly..

Soundwave stared down, and sharpened his visor on their pedes. An intrtesting idea had sparked into his mind. Soundwave manifested the ground bridge just behind Starscream, and stepped forward towards it. Since the two bickering bafoons were facing one another, it wasn't difficult to get them to fall like dominoes if neither were expecting it. Then in the moment, Soundwave 'accidentally' bumped Airachnid into falling forward. Starscream barely had enough time to utter a "What, when did- ack!" before he was transported to an overgrown, desolate rainforest that Soundwave had chosen personally because of its vast foliage. More specifically, because it would take great lengths for either of them to escape it, considering the sweeping canopy of rainforest greenth making it near impossible to use alternate modes to fly out. And, it just so happened that communications were down, meaning that they wouldn't be getting a ground bridge any time soon.

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