3 | Vision Impaired

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Soundwave's pedes clanked with an echoing silence in the hallway to the med-bay. Usually, their pedesteps would be relatively quiet compared to other Decepticons, but now it was blatantly obvious as to their presence.

Soundwave would soon find his way to the medical bay, guided by the many lights lining the ceiling of the Nemesis. Knockout was the only one occupying the space, yet he made enough racket to make up for ten Starscreams. Ten more than Soundwave would ever fancy.

"Why, Soundwave! What can I do for you my friend?"

Knockout arched an optic ridge, moving to lean an arm against a crowded work table. Soundwave was inwardly irked at the fact Knockout considered them any more than forced aquaintances, but glossed over it for now and silently pointed to Knockout's vast assortment of interchangeable weapons, some of which were still yet to be finalized.

"Oh, so you want some weapon emhancements, do you? Well, I have a number of things you could try..." Knockout trailed, tapping his digits against the table with an intrigued smile spreading across his face plate. Soundwave clenched his clawed servos into fists. He hated that sadistic smile that the doctor often casually flashed around. It always gave Soundwave chills, reminding him of...then.

Soundwave did not like - nor have any related sort of genial feelings for his fellow Decepticons, them and their 'uselessly brutal nature,' as Soundwave would call it. There were only a slim few the Second Leiutenant would ever consider to even be relatively amiable with. Soundwave usually ignored the ruthless side of his allies, brushing off their bloody violence as part of what needed to be done for the success of the Decepticon cause. At first, he was unsettled by it, but eventually a near lifetime of service had dulled his senses to the scene of killing. Of course, he would always resort to it if needed, when it came down to ensuring the survival of himself and his comrades. He usually preferred uneccessary casualties, if possible. You could chalk it up to Soundwave's supposed cynical nature, deeming lives as expendable for the cause yet simultaeneously dissuading him from needlessly disposing of them for resources sake.

Perhaps...there was a part of him that did indeed feel that way. However, he would also feel the same towards the Autobots, on rare occasion. Soundwave never really understood why he felt this way despite everything; this small smidgen of sentiment behind his morals that he couldn't quite grasp.

"-How about one of these, hm?" Knockout's voice broke Soundwave from his train of thought, and without a moment of hesitation his helm traveled to a table of weapons the physician had gestured to as if he was fully concious the entire time.

It seems like there is at least variety...

Soundwave pointed to one of them that looked interesting, yet without the visible flair of others of Knockout's creation that Soundwave found an utter waste of resources. Knockout didnt look impressed by the Third in Command's relatively subtle choice.

"Ah. I do believe that this makes a prolonged sound blast that can paralyze your enemies within its line of range; suppose it suits you." He shrugged with an inaudible exhale.

"But, are you sure you don't want something more...flashy?" Knockout's voice dripped with the vision of the many overelaborate possibilities he could push onto Soundwave.

"No." He replied, almost immediately, in a bluntly recorded voice with absolute certainty. Knockout scoffed in disappointment, before venting.

"Oh well, suit yourself I suppose." He mumbled as he lifted the device off the work table and fitted it under Soundwave's forearm plate. Once it was secure, they moved it around, accidentally aiming it at Knockout for a split second which caused him to flinch back in surprise.

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