A Fresh Start

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Italics = Jo's inner monolouge.
Bold = Flashback
Normal = Present Quotes

Love, this is why you're not for me.

Once upon a time, I believed in love. Sure, I'd been hurt before, but I'd learned from that, and I wanted to fight for a fresh start.

The real thing this time.

So, girl meets boy, girl knows this is a something special, and she thinks, "Let me do everything I can to make this right."

So, I did. I was brave. I was vulnerable. I won him the old-fashioned way. I tried to do everything right for him.

I knew you have to do anything for love. So, I did.

I did whatever I had to, whatever it took.

"I love you, Jo."

"I love you too."

"I heard about you and Carlos."

"You know, I thought we were pretty happy, but he thought he could be happier with... some girl in Rome."

"It's just how he left so suddenly..."

But he did not trust me.

So he started asking questions about the past.


"I think they dated."

"Oh they did. But I can't say I was shocked when it didn't work out."

"Who's Emma?"

"Give me my phone, Jo."

"She's not your sister, I know that."

"I don't love you. I never have."

He started digging for stuff that should have stayed buried. I picked wrong. I made mistakes.

Love had made me blind.


And now... love turned to poison.

"Tell me I'm crazy. Tell me you didn't kill Brianna. Tell me you didn't kill Parker."

And when love dies, it really hurts.

The bottom line is... he couldn't love me back.

And our love died. I thought that was the end. A sad story.

A broken heart I'd have to heal from to love again.

But no, there was more hurt in store.


"I think we have some unfinished business to talk about."

And so I realize this is what I get for trying so hard. I can't love again. I can't risk it. It's too dangerous.

The only fresh start is a start without love.

"Cut!" The director yells. "We're gonna go again from the top. Quickly. Nice." She says, signaling the actress on the floor who stands up on cue.

This... is what it's come to.

Love has taken me to dark places. But Los Angeles... has gotta be as dark as it gets.

When you're running from someone who thinks they know you, the best place to hide is a city they think you hate because, well, I do.

Jo passes by an influencer and photographers who were taking selfies and doing photoshoots.

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