1: Put Her Back In Her Place

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Hi! Sorry for the mishap the other day on my main acc. I had to unpublish that one. But here's a new (sexy) adaptation for y'all. It's switch so you'd get the best of both worlds. Enjoy. ♥️


The meeting drones on and Lisa tries her absolute hardest to look remotely interested in the yearly fiscal report. The New York landscape hums outside and she glances out the window often, pen drumming the table, lips in her teeth.

"Are we keeping you awake?", the head of accounting stares at Lisa across the table.

"Yes." Lisa clears her throat and send her colleague an apologetic glance, "Please, continue."

The woman holds her stare for a moment, annoyed beneath the glossy exterior of her polite smile. Quickly the meeting whirs away again with everyone jotting numbers down, pretending to give a damn whilst she flips through her presentation.

"...so as you can see we're up seven points from where we were last quarter and with the market inflation drawing in from our European territories-"

"Pause." Lisa lifts her hand, boredly flicking through the twenty slides left in the hand out. "Jennie, grateful as I am for your thoroughness, can you sum this up in fifty words or less so we can all go back to whatever the hell it is we'd rather be doing."

"Excuse me?" Jennie snorts, glaring at Lisa with a hand on her hip.

Everyone treats Lisa's brashness with a thin manicure of respect, everyone except Jennie. On her best days, Lisa knows it's why she hired her in the first place and on her worst it tempts her to send Jennie packing. Today is a good day, Lisa gloatingly smirks at Jennie's little outburst and tempers the corners of her mouth inside the rim of her teeth.

"My wife is an impatient woman, Jennie, and she won't be pleased with me if I'm home a minute later than six, which means I won't get to be pleased tonight either... if you catch my drift." Lisa grins, which earns stifled chuckles from the staff flanking the boardroom table.

"Your wife is no concern of mine." Jennie shrugged, turning back to her PowerPoint.

"Be that as it may... last time I checked, I still own this company and bankroll everyone's salary, so, I'm going to need you to hurry this up."

Jennie snapped around, eyes alight, beautiful and quietly furious at the way Lisa exerts her tiny powerplays. "Fine..." Jennie dropped the marker pen on the table and crossed her arms. "Money good. Debt bad. Lisa stupid. Jennie not paid enough. Market good. Company accounts good. Lisa stupid, did I already mention that?"

Lisa thoughtfully jots down Jennie's points and pushes the bridge of her glasses up her nose, "Yep," she glances up and double checks her list of points. "I noted that."

"Good." Jennie exhales and glances at the staff who lined the table between them both. "You can all leave."

Lisa is certain all twelve of the head of departments exhale at the same time in relief, packing away their MacBooks and papers, scurrying out the door. She stands up to join them, trying desperately to get out the room before Jennie tests her patience again.

"Not you." Jennie says into the air, closing down her laptop.

Lisa releases a sigh and rolls her eyes.

"What can I do for you, Miss Kim?"

"Close the door." Lisa obliges her.

Lisa catches a glimpse of black stocking as Jennie bends to unplug her charger. It slips her thigh beneath the material of her grey pencil skirt and Lisa resists the urge to arch her neck and appraise Jennie further. She shouldn't look, she knows she shouldn't, but Jennie Kim's thighs are delicious and watching her pound around the office in pencil skirts and Louboutin heels certainly helps put up with her temper.

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