4: Such A Naughty Girl

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Best wishes,

Lisa Manoban | Chief Executive Officer
Manoban Publishing Group
Seoul, South Korea

Jennie blinked in disbelief, fixated on that single word, her safe word, on the screen. It meant this was really happening, she didn't just imagine the reckoning in Lisa's office or the shifting sex-toy inside of herself and for a moment she didn't know what to do with the knowledge — the roles had now changed and until she uttered that word she was at her wife, or rather her boss's, mercy.

Swallowing and forcing absolute calmness over her resolve, she deleted the email and pulled her presentation back up on the screen, putting the finishing touches on the quarterly numbers with her lips between her teeth the entire time. It was hard to focus on the task at hand but Jennie wouldn't relinquish control enough to render her unable to perform her job, she took pride in just how good she was at her work, and she took pride in the thought of Lisa knowing the intoxicating hold she held over her orgasms wasn't enough to break Jennie Kim, finance extraordinaire. If anything, it was this alone that made her fingers itch and type faster, and forced the numbers in her head to work over-time until the presentation was completed and color-coded ahead of the hour.

"Can I get you a coffee, Miss Kim?", one of the interns scuttled into her office.

"Please, black with three sugars." Jennie hummed and kept her stare on the screen before it occurred to her that the closest coffee machine was in sight of Lisa's office window. "In fact," she looked up and caught the intern in her stare as he moved to leave her office. "I'll get my own coffee. I could do with stretching my legs." She smiled sweetly, wondering how far she could stretch Lisa's patience whilst she was at it.

The walk towards her office was slow and drawn out, purposefully, so that the odds of Lisa seeing how little effect she caused were increased with every step. It was a tiny power play in itself, a small way for Jennie to claw back her power and show her wife just how strong her resolve was and maybe, also, see how far she was willing to take this little game. She got all the way to steaming milk dribbling from the faucet into her mug before the game was afoot, and Lisa's office door creaked open.

"Don't you have flying monkeys to do that for you?", the simpering voice of her boss chirped over her shoulder.

"Can you believe it? I actually have the interns doing work on the accounts. It's almost as if I'm teaching them."

"What's the lesson for today?"

Jennie turned over her shoulder, eyeing her boss up and down. "For them, or for you?"

"For me?", Lisa curiously smirked. "If I remember correctly — it's me who holds the chalk."

Lisa clicked a button on the remote in her pocket and all of a sudden Jennie found herself clenching her eyes and trying to steady herself. Repulsed and violently turned on, Jennie waited for someone to peer over at them with eyes that knew exactly what game they were playing. It didn't come though. Instead, the world carried on turning, forgetting about the pair of them whilst they stood at the coffee machine testing each other's limits.

"I'm waiting, Jennie." Lisa pressed her for a response with those gloatingly pleased green eyes.

"The lesson for you, Mrs. Manoban," she steadied her breath forcefully, doing her best impression of a woman who didn't have a sex toy destroying her entire life nestled inside of her pussy, "is not to buy the keys to a Subaru if you don't know how to drive stick." She sweetly smiled.

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