5: Beyond This Stupid Game

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Lisa finds herself lingering in the office, tapping the keys and writing emails that can wait until tomorrow. Filing paperwork her secretary is more than capable of handling. It's the ordering her cabinets that really does it, that really drives home just how desperate Lisa is for some kind of backlash.

It had been a fortnight since the boardroom, and on her worst nights Lisa wondered whether the satisfaction of taking Jennie like a slut in the office, in her safest holiest space, was worth the consequence of being frozen out of the game. She was fine at home, so was her sex life. In fact that was more than fine by any stretch of the imagination.

But work? That was a different story altogether. Lisa's advances were rebutted, her dirty emails unreturned, her attempts to elicit Jennie's famous temper unsuccessful. Lisa was lucky to get more than a sharp yes or no during the business hours of the day, lucky indeed.

But sure enough when she logged on this morning, the email was there in Lisa's inbox. An electronic diary request for an out-of-hours meeting tonight, long after the rest of the team had gone home.

Two minutes to the appointment, Lisa feels herself gulp.

One minute, and her stomach is somersaulting.

But then 6pm comes right on the nose, and god, if there is one thing Lisa loves about Jennie it's her timekeeping. Two knocks come against the wood at the precise strike of the hour and she feels them inside her chest.

"Come in."

Suddenly Jennie is there, but it's different. There's no wicked smirk or furious glint in her eye, absolutely nothing to pre-warn that the beginning of the game is in motion.

"Thank you for seeing me out of normal business hours," Jennie takes her seat and smooths down her skirt. "I appreciate you're probably busy, Mrs. Manoban."

"Oh, never too busy for you Mrs. Kim."

Jennie smiles at the compliment, but again it's different. There isn't that familiar burn in her cheeks or the rise of her chest. Instead, she just smiles curtly. "I've booked this appointment to advise you I've sought other employment and I'll be serving my notice period with immediate effect."

Wait, what?

She didn't.

Did she just?

Lisa fails at hiding her shock, and all she can do is lick her lips and stutter between the charade they play at work and the furious indignation of being Jennie's wife.

"What the hell are you talking about, Jennie?", Lisa snaps, because being her wife is so much easier than being her boss.

"BP Music Management." Jennie told Lisa bluntly and leaned back in the chair. "It's time to move on, and they're offering me a hell of a lot more than the thirty thousand dollars I was cut, and a personal assistant too. They're even opening up a position for Arlene."

"Fuck off, you're taking Arlene?!", Lisa glares.

"We have to move where opportunity takes us, you should know that better than anyone."

"That's what this is about?" Lisa raises an infuriated brow, "Money?"

"No, Lisa. It's not about the fucking money." Jennie spat and caught alight like hot oil, "It's about you overstepping the boundaries and bringing our marriage into work!"

"Oh, come on!" Lisa throws her head backwards. "Are we talking as a couple right now or as employee and employer?"

"I don't know!" Jennie barked back, equally confused.

"Well as your boss, I'm sad to see you go." Lisa glares and breathes, barely glancing at the notice letter pushed in front of her nose. "And as your wife? You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

Dirty Games At Work // JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now