088. "it leaves me aching to see those eyes"

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31:07 ─❁────────── 31:80

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Diamond skies, flickering

Like fading fires still burning


          "I'M NOT CRAZY, YOU KNOW?"

Lucia raised her eyes from her homework, perplexed. "I-I didn't say you were...?"

"Sorry..." said Astoria, resting her head on the table. They were in the library while Lucia was waiting to be fetch by Hermione to go and collect Harry and Ron from the ministrations of Madam Pomfrey.

"What's on your mind, love?"

"I-It's... It's just that..." Astoria blushed, and Lucia cocked a brow in confusion at this. "Nothing..."

"Oh, c'mon, surely it's something?" said the latter, trying to convince the second-born Greengrass to express herself.

"I... uh... need some advice..."


"...about... guys..."



"Guys?!" exclaimed Lucia, unintentionally loudly.

Astoria went pink in the face and instantly hid herself in her arms, nodding slowly. "I-It's nothing of romantic interest..."

"Then what is it about?" said Lucia, furrowing her brows, puzzled. "If it isn't something romantic, then it has to be something platonic?"

"Somewhat," mumbled Astoria trailing, her eyes roaming around the library. "W-What would you do if — Harry or Ron —"

"Or Neville..."

"— Or Longbottom — were to act so odd to the point you're starting to be suspicious and worry of what they've been doing?" said Astoria nervously, picking her fingers. Lucia tilted her head, not understanding. Astoria huffed, "Okay, how do I put this?"


"Fine, fine! I ha — noticed, this guy doing something he usually doesn't. At first, I didn't mind it because I felt like I was nosing into someone's business if that's the case. But now..."

"But now...?"

"I feel different. I need to know what's occupying his mi —" Astoria halted midway into her sentence, cheeks growing flush, eyes widening as if she saw something over Lucia's shoulder. Lucia whipped her head around to see what it was, only to be met by the displeasing sight of Draco Malfoy rummaging through the racks for books desperately.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now