chapter four

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That weekend was fun. Leah and Seth came back over. Turns out they're really nice. Seth asked me about school and said if I ever needed any help to go to him. Leah asked if I wanted any self-defence classes, she teaches them for free at the youth centre on the reservation.

They also told me a few of their legends. Not too much but a few. They told me that their tribe is descendant from wolves *no shit* and they told me about a few of the more integral roles in the tribe. Sam was the leader *alpha* just like I guessed, and a man named Jacob was apparently pretty high up as well.

It was obvious whoever this Jacob man was meant a lot to all of them, even Charlie spoke with great fondness over Jacob. I wonder why he wasn't at the barbeque.

We spent the whole of Saturday just talking, them getting to know me, me getting to know them. It was nice. I felt like I was really a part of their family. I felt included.

On Sunday they came back with their spouses. We spent the whole day inside watching movies cuddled under blankets. It was really nice. Probably one of the best weekends I had ever had.

Which is why when that stupid alarm sounded from my phone on Monday morning, I wanted to fucking cry. As if it's already Monday.

Today I decide to dress as if I give a semblance of a fuck, a white mock neck long sleeve shirt under an oversized yellow sweater with monochromatic flowers and black jeans. This paired with yellow zip up boots and of course, the mismatched socks.

Today was cold as freaking balls, so hopefully they fixed the shoddy heating in school

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Today was cold as freaking balls, so hopefully they fixed the shoddy heating in school. That shit last week was not fucking it.

Pulling into the school parking lot this week was much less of a theatrical experience than last week, meaning not every mother fucker had their eyes on me, just some. Unfortunately.

After the whole milk incident, I hadn't exactly made a lot of friends. Not that I fucking cared the solitude gave me the room to look for things observe behaviour I probably wouldn't have noticed through the dickheads at this school.

For example, the widely homophobic girls I had poured milk all over just last week. Madly in love and literally fuck whenever they get the chance.

Jessica Hope? Straight up blackmailing her boyfriend to be with her with the knowledge that he was gay.

Jason knight? Biggest player and jock in the school? Still a virgin and, get this, transgender.

Basically, everyone in this fucked up school is a raging gay. So that's actually pretty cool.

Something not so cool though? The Cullen's. Those motherfuckers are shady asf. I lowkey started hyper fixating on them and bitch the shit you learn when you just shut up and listen.

These bitches never eat, they never feel any type of weather, like at all, their eyes change colour, like fully change colour, and whenever someone is injured, like bleeding, they freak the fuck out. Some more than others mind like blondie is fine with blood but harry? Bitch nearly has an aneurysm.

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