chapter ten

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The next two months I spend majority of my time with Harry and William. We do everything from slumber parties to movie marathons, double dates to makeovers.

I made a new friend from the pack as well, Lachlan. I don't know if I really like him but he's always over at Charlie's house and he and William get along, so I keep my mouth shut.

Today he Rue and I are watching movies. Well, he ad Will are, I am downstairs getting snacks when I hear raised voices and make my way back to my room.

"What the fuck is happening right now?" I ask as I walk into my room to see my Rue yelling at Lachy.

"I like you okay. And I think I would be really good for you. We could be happy together if you just have us a chance." What in the fat fuck.

"Excuse me? I thought we were friends. Actually, I only hang out with you cause your friends with William." Harsh but true. He gives me the creeps.

"What we're not friends." Will exclaims.

"you're not - what the fuck?" I'm so confused.

"No. He only hangs around us cause he wants to bang you." Gagged.

"What!? Why did nobody tell me this?"

"I thought you knew. I thought you wanted to bang him too." What the fuck?

"Eww what? I'm gay! And despite that I love William, we're literally in a relationship what the fuck made you think I would leave her for you?"

"She's not even alive!"

"Okay? What the fuck is your point here?"

"My point is that I'm better for you."

"And what on earth made you think that decision was yours? I am the only person who gets to make decisions about my life and well-being. And I choose William. Every single time I choose William . Not your crusty self or anyone the fuck else. William."

"Awh babe-"

"And you. You thought I wanted to bang him? Are you fucking kidding me ?"

I guess that's the end of that friendship.


Today I am finally dying Harry's hair pastel pink.

"Are you sure it's going to look good?" he asks for like the five hundredth time.

"Of course, babes. You're gonna look fierce."

After a stressful two hours we have successfully died his fluffy hair a pretty fairy floss pink.

"Ocean! Thank you so much I seriously love it." Harry squeals as he obsesses over his hair in the mirror not noticing a practically drooling Thomas standing at the door.

"No worries babes, I'll leave the two of you alone." I say suggestively as I look at the growing hunger in Thomas' eyes.

Leaving a squealing Harry and a growling Thomas, I go to look for my William.

"Hey babe, I have to go home." I say standing in Rue's doorway after finding her laying on her bed. She's the only one who actually has a bed and fuck me if I don't tease her about it daily.

"What? Already, I'm going to miss you."

"We'll literally see each other tomorrow. I think you'll live." After about ten minutes of snuggling, I finally leave.

On the drive home I get a random bout of happiness as I reminisce over the past couple of months. Everything is going really well in my life, my relationship with sue and Charlie has only gotten better, same with me and Bella. I have friends in Harry, Thomas, and Grace (unexpected, but not unwelcomed.) and my and Rue's relationship is going really well. We haven't gone past kissing but she's really patient and kind.

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