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It's been months. I'd be lying to myself if I said "I don't think about you anymore" or "I don't miss you anymore" because, I still do.

From the time I open my eyes until I close it once again, I can still see you. You never really went away (atleast in my head). Time to time, I'd always find myself searching through my inbox and clicking your name, tempted to send you messages which I normally do back when there were still "us". But, there are no more "us".
My palms are itching to feel the warmth that it once felt from your hands. My eyes are craving to see yours which once made me feel like I was looking through the windows of your soul. My heart is desperately finding for yours in the hopes that we can find our way through each other once again. My whole system misses your very whole existence. I miss you. I still miss you. And I keep on missing you that I just pray to the heavens everyday to make this longingness stop.
Maybe we were meant to be this way. Maybe the "us" we had before was only meant to pass for a fleeting moment.
Most people tend to make a big deal of how long and how short things happen, but maybe it was more than that. Maybe time has got nothing to do with how real our feelings were.

It was all real, right?

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