Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s PoV:

As soon as the monstrocity activated, It raised its guns and started to fire at us. Me and Winter split up and went behind cover. 
Merlott: "Thus we witness the superiority of the machine over the flesh and blood!" Merlott boasted as Heavily armored beast waddled towards us, still firing it's guns. Entire room shook as I tried to figure out how to destroy the Ubersoldat. Then I had an idea. 
(Y/n): "WINTER!" I called out. She looked at me as I pulled out a MK.2 Grenade. 
(Y/n): "Use Glyphs!" I ordered, to which she nodded, I armed the grenade and threw it, making her propel it with glyphs right under the Ubersoldat. As soon as it exploded, I heard something clutter in the distance, so I peeked out and noticed that the explosion damaged the clamps on its Gatling gun, as well as pieces of armor fell off, but it kept moving, so I pulled out a Dynamite bundle. She prepared to propel it, so I set the timer for 5 seconds and threw it, and Winter propelled it. Upon touching down it exploded, shaking the room. Clutter was heard and I saw that the gatling gun was sent flying towards the locker with medkits. 
Winter: "Now what!?" Winter screamed. I smirked. 
(Y/n): "Boost me" I said and ran at the Ubersoldat. As It put me in its sights, I was sent flying above him and I landed close to the locker, so I got up and rushed towards the gun. As soon as I picked up a gun, I saw rocket flying straight at me, so I jumped out of the way, making it hit the wall and explode, sending pieces of debris flying everywhere.
Merlott: "Expect the Unexpected! Quite a scientific little toy isn't it?" Merlott gloated as I aimed the gun and opened fire. 2.000 rounds of 8mm Mauser left its barrels and began to hit the Ubersoldat, shooting off the pieces of armor. I saw another Rocket flying at me, but it was deflected by Glyphs. Winter now put glyphs underneath the Ubersoldat and propelled it against the wall, pinning him in. I continued to spray him with fire, but then I heard hiss. Gun overheated. 
(Y/n): "Fuck..." I muttered as the Ubersoldat broke free from the wall and roared as it shed away it's rocket launcher module and fired lightning bolts at me. I screamed as one million volts flew through my body, making me kneel. 
Merlott: "Playtime's over. Kill them!" Merlott growled as Ubersoldat continued to Electrocute me. For the first time...I thought I'll die. But then I felt something snap in me and I felt presence before me. I saw a spectral being before me with a shield, protecting me. 
Merlott: "Peculiar...very peculiar. It is certainly interesting, but it won't protect you for long!" Merlott gloated as I raised the gatling gun and unleashed entirety of the magazine into it. Ubersoldat lowered its gun and tried to walk, only to fall. 
Merlott: "What? It's not possible! We will meet again another day!" Merlott cried out and ran away. Door from which the Ubersoldat entered open and four SS Guards entered the room, but they were quickly disposed off by Winter. She ran up to me and gently put me back on my two feet. We started to chase after Merlott, entering the chamber he was in, but we found it empty. So we went up and took any documentation and went through another set of doors, which revealed the elevator. We entered it and moved up to the top side. As the elevator stopped, we rushed outside, only to see that Merlott escaped with a jet aircraft. Then we heard the sound of the rotor blades, as a Axis helicopter flew above as and landed. From it, a single man came out, unarmed. He walked towards us. Winter aimed the StG44 at him, but he just gestured us to lower the weapons.
Kessler: "Relax, I'm on your side. Name's Kessler, and I'm with the Kreisau Circle" He said. 
Winter: "Kreisau Circle?" Winter asked.
(Y/n): "A clandestine anti-Axis resistance movement. Kessler is one of their top agents" I said.
Kessler: "We don't have much time. Our insider has finished rigging the entire base to collapse. Let's move, the Defender won't be anchored for long" Kessler said and we entered the helicopter and flew towards the Aircraft Carrier....

Several hours later.

I was in infirmary, letting the Corpsman tend to my wounds, as Colonel Hargrove and General Ironwood waited for the debrief.
Hargrove: "Impossible....Merlott is alive, and he's with Axis?" Hargrove couldn't believe.
Ironwood: "Plus that 'Ubersoldat' you fought. If it was like you described, then Allied Forces will have our support" He said.
(Y/n): "Yeah. Poor guys who got experimented on. What about the weapons and documentation we managed to recover?" I asked.
Hargrove: "Well, thanks to the intel you provided, we now know that There is a operation going in a Southern Valean castle. Locals call it 'Wolves lair', while official name is apparently Wolfenstein" He said.
(Y/n): "What kind of operation?" I asked.
Hargrove looked at Ironwood, who left the room, then looked at me.
Hargrove: "We don't know, but Merlott was involved in it, along with SS Special Projects Division" He said.
(Y/n): "So we have a heavy hitters working on something...When do I go?" I asked. 
Hargrove: "As soon as you recover. Oh, by the way" he started as he pulled out a piece of paper. I raised my eyebrow.
Hargrove: "'In recognition of (Y/n) (L/n)'s actions and gallantry, Allied Forces GHQ hereby promotes him to the rank of Captain'. Congratulations, Captain" He said and gave me Captain's insignia. I was too tired to protest, so I accepted them.
Hargrove: "Oh, and OSS is being reorganized. SOE is join organization, plus GHQ has Renamed our organization" He added.
(Y/n): "To what?" I asked.
Hargrove: "Office of Secret Actions, OSA" He said. I nodded and he left me to rest. I laid down on the cot and dozed of into the sleep...

At the same time
Location Unknown, Axis Controlled Territories

Merlott's PoV:

I nervously corrected my tie as I was walking towards my commander's office. I'm scared of how He will react to my failure...and with Lab X-1 being lost. I steel myself and knock on the door.
???????: "Come in" A voice called me in. I opened the door and entered the office of my commander. It had a nice, old oak table, along with a very detailed model of human skeleton. 
???????: "I assume you have a news for me, Herr Merlott?" Man asked. I stiffened.
Merlott: "H-Herr Oberfuhrer....Lab X-1 was lost to the allied commandos. They destroyed the Ubersoldat V.1 and recovered the Venom Gun" I said. I laid down a glass half full of Brandy. 
???????: "....What about the Data?" He asked. Goddammit. In my hurry...and rather panicked state I forgot about all of my files and research. 
Merlott: "W-Well, I recovered the most of it, Herr Oberfuhrer" I said. Man got up from his chair and slowly made way towards me. I gulped. 
???????: "You're telling me...that you Left several classified documents....for the enemy to be recovered?" He said. Oh gods, I'm dead.
Merlott: "I..I'm sorry, Herr Oberfuhrer" I said, but he slapped me. 
???????: "ENOUGH! You're incompetence as a fellow man of science is disgusting me. I knew that I should've recommend to the Fuhrerin that you should be gotten rid off...thankfully, after what You've done, She might agree on that with me" He said.
Merlott: "Sir, please!" I pleaded. 
???????: "Guards!" Oberfuhrer called in two of his guards from Schwarze Garde Unit. 
SG1: "Yes, Herr Oberfuhrer?" One of them asked.
???????: "Take doctor away to the Test Chamber. He'll be more useful there" He said. 
SG2: "Jawohl" Other guard replied and began to drag me away.
Merlott: "NO! PLEASE! HERR STRASSE PLEASE!" I begged him as I was being dragged away.
Then it hit me....that there was a reason Why everyone is calling him 'Deathshead'....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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