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A/N - First of all really thankful for the votes and comments on the previous chapter. As promised after target completion here is the next one !

Athiya was laying on her bed. She just could not get sleep after what had happened today.

"How did I manage to agree to Rahul ? Means Ro bhai had said to me to go to Bhai but when Rahul said it .. I was like inclined to do it. And his eyes had pure concern for me. How should I thank him for being with me at that time ?"

"No no no I cannot think like that. I will just thank him and nothing further"

She could not think further so she went to check on Virat. When she entered the room she saw the most adorable sight. Rohit was patting Virat's head and he was also falling asleep with that. She just closed the door silently and went from there.

Next morning -

Rohit and Virat woke up first. They were sitting in the living room deciding about breakfast.

Jassi entered with Rahul - "Don't worry about breakfast. We have brought it already."

"You solve our problem. Rohit was eating my head for that" said Virat hugging Jassi.

"Ohh please u are impossible when it comes to food choices" said Rohit arranging breakfast on the table.

"How are u Virat ? All okay now?" Asked Rahul giving him a hug.

"Yes Rahuliya" said Virat.

"Virat bhaiya u sure u are fine now ? I am so sorry I had to leave urgently yesterday." Said Jassi apologetically.

"I am fine Jassi. And don't u be sorry. Tell me is there anything serious for which u went" asked Virat in concern.

"Actually one of our relatives was admitted and Mom really wanted to go so. I would not have left if it was not urgent. " said Jassi explaining the reason of him going.

"I know Jas. Hope everything is fine now" Said Virat side hugging him.

"Yes now it's okay. Where is Thia ?" Asked Jassi not seeing Athiya around.

"Your Thia is sleeping still. Go and wake her up" said Rohit.

"What does he mean by Your Thia" thought Rahul not knowing and understanding why he was thinking like this.

Jassi went in her room and saw her coming after getting freshen up. He went from the back and scared her causing her to jump two feet higher.

"Jas I will kill you !" Said Athiya and ran after Jassi.

"First u have catch me for that" said Jassi running downstairs.

Hearing that voice Virat just shake his head and said - "And they have started again."

"After two years we hear these two running like this in the whole house" said Rohit equally amused by that.

"How come Jassi knows Athiya and u have not told me that you have sister Virat ?" Asked Rahul finally as he wanted to ask from the time he got to know that.

"Because we didn't want u know that" said Rohit teasing him.

"And may b I love Jassi more than you" said Virat joining Rohit.

"What is this yaar ? Why u both always tease me like this ? And what do u mean by u love Jassi more than me ... i toh don't want to talk to you" said Rahul and got up from the table and went towards the living room.

He was annoyed by the fact that  Jassi knew Athiya and was so close to her. He himself didn't knew about this feeling.

"Arey Rah wait .. we were just joking" said Rohit laughing along with Virat.

Rahul was coming towards the living room when Athiya collided with him as she was chasing Jassi. The water which she was gonna throw at Jassi she threw on Rahul in process stumbling herself.

Rahul catches her by her arms. He just gets lost in her doe eyes which where speaking volumes.

"I am so sorry ! It was for Jas .. I am really sorry for throwing water at you" said Athiya being truly apologetic.

Rahul comes out of his trance hearing her voice.

"It's okay" said Rahul leaving her arms.

"Ur shirt is totally wet bro" said Jassi laughing.

"It's because of u idiot Jas" said Athiya smacking his arm.

Virat and Rohit just came there and saw the state of Rahul. They just stood there chuckling.

"It's always the third person who is the victim in the banter of these two" said Virat stating the obvious.

"I didn't do anything. It was Thia." Said Jassi laughing

"So cupcake u just threw cold water on Rah" said Rohit joining Jassi in the fun.

"Stop embarrassing me Rohit bhai" said Athiya already guilty for throwing water on Rahul.

"Rah why don't u go and change. Take any shirt from my cupboard" said Virat dismissing the conversation.

"Infact cupcake u go and help him as u did this" said Rohit casually.

"No it's okay .. I will take it myself" said Rahul not wanting to trouble her and embarrass her more but on the other hand wanted to talk to her.

"It's fine I will help u out" said Athiya.

"Okay come fast u two. We are waiting for breakfast" said Virat going toward dining table with Rohit and Jassi.

Athiya and Rahul went into Virat's room. Where Athiya gave him one of Virat's shirt. She went outside as he got changed. She waited outside as he came.

"Look I am genuinely sorry about all this mess"said Athiya apologising again.

"Arey it's fine. How many times u will apologise to me ? U are making me feel like an outsider" said Rahul feeling that way.

"Okay ! Atleast let me thank you !" Said Athiya remembering about yesterday's incident.

"Thank you! Why ?" Asked Rahul totally confused.

"U helped me yesterday and consoled me. You urged me to go and talk to Bhai. I really felt better. So thank you for that" said Athiya genuinely.

"Again u are getting too formal yaar. It was nothing. Besides I am glad u are okay" said Rahul pouting a little.

"Okay this is the last time I will do this formality okay" said Athiya chuckling at his expressions.

"So now as there is no formality then friends" said Rahul really wanted to be friends with her.

"Do u think so easily u will get my friendship ?" Said Athiya teasing him.

"What do I have to do then to be your friend ? U already threw water on me! " Asked Rahul not knowing what he has to do.

"I am just kidding ! Friends !" Said Athiya shaking his forwarded hand.

"What are u both doing ? Come fast" said Rohit from the hall.

They both went and had their breakfast with them.

And the friendship has begun !

Do drop ur comments and tell me how u like it !

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This time I am just hoping to get as much votes and comments as possible so not putting any target but hoping that u will comment on the story !

See u in next one !

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