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Everyone arrived at dinner at the dining hall. Virat was sitting with Rcb teammates. He was with Ab.
Athiya came and went to Virat first before joining Jassi.

Athiya - "Bhai I am going To join Jassi for dinner"
She said informing.

Virat was lost in his own thoughts so he didn't pay attention to it.

Athiya - "Bhai where are u lost"
She said keeping her hand on his shoulder.

Virat - "Umm no where bacha .. what were u saying ?"
He asked her.

Athiya - "I am joining Jassi for dinner"
She said.

Virat - "Ya okay just make sure u have ur whole meal okay"
He said caring about her health.

Athiya smiled and nodded at him. She joined Jassi, Hardik and Rahul on the table.

Virat was looking very disturbed and it was observed by Mahi and Rohit. Ab too observed it as he was playing with food. Just when he was gonna ask him Virat's phone rang and he left the dining room.

Mahi along with Rohit went to the table where Ab was and asked - "Hey Ab, did Virat say something?"

Ab - "No MS but he was looking really disturbed"
He said informing them.

They nodded and went from the dining room to see Virat pacing and talking on the phone. They didnt hear what was going on but they could see how disturbed he looked.

Virat's phone conversation one sided -

"Please dont do this. I will do everything I can" said Virat helplessly.

"Please give me one chance I will make everything okay" said Virat with tears in his eyes.

The call got hanged up and Virat rubbed his face with his hands in frustration and anger. He just ran to his room.

Mahi and Rohit observed it and followed him only to find to him slumped against the bed with his head in his hands.

In the dining room -

Jassi - "Hey thia lets go for a walk after this. Its been days since we spent time together"

Athiya - "You have to give me Ice cream treat then only I am gonna come"

Jassi - "Bhukkad kahi ki .. okay fine"
He said listening to her demands.

Rahul felt so different seeing them like that. He didnt understand what it was. He was fuming seeing Jassi talking to her so frankly and she was also responding.

Hardik saw how Rahul was gritting his teeth and murdering the tomato with his fork. He followed his gaze and observed how Rahul was looking at Athiya and Jassi as they were laughing and talking among themselves.

Hardik - "Hey can I join u guys"
He asked purposely.

Jassi - "Next time Harry today its our time"
he said wanting to spend his time with Athiya.

"What does he mean by our time ? Time is time na" mumbled Rahul inaudibly but Harry heard that.

"Okay .. today u both go .. but u have to involve me next time.. as I will get bored yaar with Rahul who is brooding right now" He said which made jassi and Athiya laugh.

"Shut up Harry" said Rahul in return.

Jassi - "lets go thia"

Athiya - "Ya lets go, bye u guys"
She said and went with Jassi.

"Okay now she can go with him but how is it difficult to understand that I like her"
Rahul mumbled as they went. Hardik just laughed at his state.

Meanwhile in Virat's room -

Mahi and Rohit entered the room. Virat looked at them and tears started to flow through his eyes.
Mahi took him in his arms to which Virat cried hysterically.

Mahi and Rohit got worried for him. What was wrong the thought. They didn't talk to him in 2-3 days and now he was here sitting devastated.

Mahi - "Cheeku Kya baat hai bacha ? Tell us"
He asked softly but Virat just hugged him tighter.

Rohit - "Vi kya hua .. kiska call tha"
He asked seeing him crying.

But Virat didn't say anything and just buried himself in Mahi and cried.

In the park -

Jassi and Athiya were walking and talking about Jassi mostly. How his career was growing.

Jassi - "So did u find someone abroad ?"
He asked giving her ice cream.

Athiya - "Nah ! I was too engrossed for that and besides u know this is not for me"
She said.

Jassi - "Past is past Athiya u got to move on"

Athiya - "I don't know if I can Jas, u know how it ended up last time .. I drifted apart from my Bhai and it devastated him. I cannot afford it again"

Jassi - "But thia Virat bhai is okay now and he has assured u na. And why are u thinking it will end it .. it can be forever for u"

Athiya - "Does forever love ever exist ?"

Jassi - "Ofcourse it exists - see Virat bhai and Anushka bhabhi .. Rohit bhai and Ritika bhabhi .. Mahi bhai and Sakshi bhabhi .. there are examples around u"
He said explaining it to her.

Athiya - "umm I will think about it"
She said eating her ice cream

Jassi - "Waise do u like someone ?"
He asked her even though he knew who it was.

Athiya - "No why would u ask that"
She said stammering.

Jassi - "I just asked"
He said waiting her to realise it.

Athiya got to thinking that should she give a chance to him. She liked him but was not sure about love yet. But what if she messed it up again .. what if it ends badly.

But as Jassi told around me I have seen love .. may b if i atleast try .. Rahul .. I know he is really nice .. he always takes care of me .. worries for me .. but still am I sure about it.

Thinking all this she slept.

Here is the next one!

Do tell me if u like it by dropping ur votes and comments !

What do u think will Athiya tell Rahul that she likes him ?

What do u think happened with Virat ?

Stay tuned for it.
Next update after 25+ comments !

Till then,
Happy Reading !

Here is the next one as promised writer_07_18_45

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