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Athiya kept ignoring Rahul making him upset. She herself was also feeling bad and kind of missing his presence.

Rahul went behind her and knocked her room. "Come in" said Athiya.

Athiya - "What are you doing here?"
She said shocked to see Rahul instead of Virat.

Rahul - "Why are saying like that ? I have come to talk to you"
He said feeling weird about her tone.

Athiya - "I am busy"
She said not wanting to talk to him and get confuse more.

Rahul - "U are ignoring me"
He said seeing her actions

Athiya - "No, why would you say that"
She said arranging some stuff which was already arranged.

Rahul - "Athiya, u are not looking at me. Did I do something?"
He said feeling bad about her behaviour.

Athiya - "I told u I am busy Rahul"

Rahul - "Why are u lying to me? U have arranged that table two times now"
He said not understanding whats wrong.

Athiya just stood there facing her back to him. Rahul slowly went towards here and turned her to face him.

Rahul - "Did I do something wrong ? Tell me I will fix it"
He said softly.

Rahul held her chin up so that she could look at him. "Whats wrong ?" he asked again.

Athiya just kept looking at him and thinking how can someone be so caring. She was so confused till now but whenever she would see his eyes it would drown her.

"Please tell me" He kept his hand on her cheek and said softly.

Athiya moved back from his hold and touch which made her weak.

Athiya - "Why do you want to know ? I told you its nothing"
She said not meeting his eyes.

Rahul - "Why are you doing this ? You know that something is bothering you and you are not sharing with me which is disturbing me"
He said.

Athiya - "Why do u care ?"
She said facing him feeling so tired about her feelings now.

Rahul - "Because I care about you"
He said softly.

Athiya - "You should not"
She said because she would never be able to reciprocate.

Rahul - "Why is that ? You can stop me from my feelings"
He said back.

Athiya - "Dont do this to me please"
She said vulnerably.

Rahul moved towards her and said - "Why ? I care about you. I like you Athiya. No one can change that or take that away from me"

Athiya looked at him with moist eyes. Rahul wiped that softly.

Rahul - "I am here to take away these tears. You have to just let me in Thia"
He said softly wiping her eyes.

Athiya - "I cant .. I cant, I dont like you"
She said shaking her head pushing him away.

Rahul - "Dont lie, I can see in your eyes."

Athiya said sternly - "You are mistaken"

Rahul - "Then tell me why these tears?"
He said to her touching her cheeks.

Athiya - "They are not for you."
She said wiping it and turning her face.

Rahul - "So u dont like me"
He said taking two steps back.

Athiya - "No I dont"
She said seeing him moving back.

Rahul - "I will prove to you that u like me as I do"
He said challenging her.

Athiya - "You are wrong and living in a illusion of yours"
She said back.

Rahul - "We will see that Thia. You will tell me that u like me. i will make sure of that"
He said moving towards her.

Athiya - "It doesnt matter to me. You dont matter"
She lied.

Rahul - "Ohh is it, dont worry i will change that. I promise"
He moved close to her and kissed her forehead. Athiya just closed her eyes feeling that.

Virat knocked the door and Rahul moved away from her. Athiya opened her eyes in surprise because of what had happened.

"Come in" said Athiya turning her face away from Rahul.

"Any problem ?" asked Virat seeing the tensed atmosphere.

"No I was just leaving" said Rahul and left the room.

Virat moved towards Athiya and asked her softly - "Whats wrong bacha ? U okay"

Athiya just turned and hugged him tightly. Virat hugged her back confused about what was going on.

"Bhai .." she said being emotional and confused.

"Yes bacha" he said taking her to bed and making her sit.

"I am so confused" she said keeping her head on his shoulder.

"About what ?" he said back.

"About .." she stammered not sure what to say.

"Is it about ur feelings towards someone?" Virat asked softly not mentioning the name.

"How do you know ?" She asked getting up and looking at him.

"I am your brother bacha I can understand what are u feeling right?" said Virat softly.

"I dont think I deserve it bhai" said Athiya voicing out her insecurities.

"Why is that?" He asked her.

"You know I am not good at this. I have made so many mistakes" said Athiya looking down.

"Bacha, but u learned from that right. Why cant u give a new chance to urself?" asked Virat making her look up.

"What if I am wrong again?" she asked being scared.

"So what its life right. It doesnt end there. And from my experience I dont think u will be wrong this time" Virat said softly.

"I am scared to loose u again" said Athiya.

"U will not loose me. U never lost me. Its progress see .. we are talking about it na. Nothing wrong will happen" said Virat side hugging her.

"But I dont know If i really have feelings for that someone" she said.

"U will come to know if u have. Whatever we do we can never hide them. Just dont force yourself" said Virat making her understand.

"I am still scared" Athiya said not wanting her heart to break again.

"I am here with you. Nothing will happen. Give yourself a chance to be happy" Virat said softly.

Athiya just hugged him clutching on his arm not feeling confident about it.


I know I am late on this one .. But this is the first time I am writing this genre so have to think a lot.

Drop ur honest suggestions it will help me a lot.

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Happy Reading !

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