Bath Time :)

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In all honesty, the baby was dirty. That wasn't Tommy just being mean, he held the baby up in a blanket, DayDream just kinda hanging there. "Why do I have to hold him!? He stinks! And that's not just me saying because it's Dream." He let out a huff, holding the messy child out. Wilbur rolled his eyes at the teen, taking DayDream in his arms carefully, ''Be careful will you? I'll give him a bath later, after he eats." He reassured Tommy, setting DayDream down in Tommy's old highchair, unwrapping him from the blanket as he did so. Wilbur set an old plushy DayDream seemed to have gotten attached to down on the tray, getting some berries and mashing them up so DayDream wouldn't chock. He didn't even know if he could go in water, seeing how he's a ghost, but all ghosts aren't the same, he'd just have to see. He placed the bowl down on the try, getting a spoon to feed him, he glanced at Tommy, "Do you wanna try and feed him this time? Everytime I do he just- knocks the bowl down. You're younger; You may have a better shot" Wilbur explained.

Tommy gasped, looking over- by the sound of the gasp he couldn't tell if it was an excited one, or a 'How dare you ask me that' one. It was always hard to tell with Tommy.  The newly eighteen year old huffed, dragging his feet on his way over and taking Wilbur's place. He watched as Wilbur left, and DayDream seemed to be a little CopyCat. Tommy changed his gaze to the child, "I still hate you, you are spoiled now, and taking my baby stuff." He would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous, regradless DayDream just babbled, clapped, and giggled. 

Tommy sighed softly, taking the spoon and feeding him, and for once, DayDream ate it. More food went on him then in his mouth though, so that was fun. After feeding the little shit, he called Wilbur back in, who picked DayDream up and telling Tommy to go get water from outside, from the well and to warm it up, (Old school B] ) ignoring the eye roll he earned. 

The bath was soon ready, warm and bubbly with a few ducks and what not in it. He got DayDream ready for the bath, ready to put the child in until the baby started screaming, crying and trying to get away. It confused Wilbur, what was so bad about a bath? maybe he was scared of the water? He looked at the child, trying to calm him down. "Ducky scary!" the child whimpered, hiding his face in Wilbur's chest, as if hiding his face would protect him.

Oh. The ducks.

Wilbur removed the ducks, hiding them away and wiping off DayDreams face, "See? No Duckies, Bud" he reassured him, DayDream looked over, looking in the tub and whining more. Again, Wilbur placed the child in the tub, watching for any signs of burning, only to smile when he found none.  

Other than that, bath time seemed to be rather enjoyable for the child, he tried eating the bubbles, though Wilbur stopped him, washed him, rinsed him and dried him. He let him play in the tub until he got sleepy, taking him  out and drying him off. He put a little lion onsie on him, making sure the other was comfy. It was big on him, he was just a small baby. 

Wilbur walked out of the room, getting rid of the empty water and giving Dream some toys in his play pen, leaving the child to go and play. And when Wilbur came back, he picked up the child whom was now sleeping and the stuffed animal and put him to bed in the little crib, rocking it slowly and leaving the room. 

Mission bath time was a success :)


Hey ya'll sorry for not updating in a while, I hope you enjoyed this ^^ Its sloppy and short but feel free to gimme ideas for the next chapter, and chapters ahead :) Angst is very much wanted in this story, and some wholesome moments too  ^^ Also to all the artists out there, feel free to show me your art :0 You can DM me on my Insta account, and i'll give you a shout out :)

My @ is: alex_isbambi

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