Time to Play Outside!

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The next day after the bath was so successful, Wilbur woke up DayDream to get him ready for breakfast. Phil had been so kind and made it, with Wilbur's help obviously.  He coaxed DayDream into not making much of a fuss as he learned the child wasnt much of a morning person.

After getting DayDream all washed up and in a more comfortable onesie, he carried the child downstairs,  greeting Phil as the toddler laid his head on Wilbur's shoulder, Wilbur's arm supporting his back.

Phil looked over, smiling at the young one "Good morning you two" he said, quiet and gentle as he put the food on plates. Wilbur chuckled softly, over. "Morning pop" he greeted back.

Wilbur sat down at the table, DayDream sat there on his lap for a boost to reach the food, even if Wilbur was gonna feed him anyway.

At the smell of the food, the child sat up, perking at at the food which made Wilbur laugh a bit more. "Hey hun, you hungry??" He asked as he put some oatmeal on a spoon and fed it to him, oatmeal wasnt what everyone was having, but it was probably easier for DayDream to eat.

After some small talk with each other, phil suggested that Wilbur take DayDream out to play in the snow, saying Techno wouldnt mind DayDream play with the animals.

Wilbur didnt like the idea very much, not wanting DayDream to catch a cold or get harmed by an animal. He knew that the foxes mostly like to play rough. The only reason why he was dressing the child up right now was because DayDream really wanted to go outside.

After bundling him up, he let Dream go off and waddle outside, he went and sat down on porch, the child went and played with the snow. After bit, he started interact with the animals. DayDream clearly wasnt a kid really scared of anything, if anything the animals were scared of a bundled up toddler, hugging as tight as he could around the neck of the animals, but as the fear went away, they started playing with him, chasing him and knocking him over playfully as childish joy filled the area.

Wilbur smiled a bit, thinking the animals could protect the child as he went to go do something real quickly,  if something was wrong then the animals would make noise.

After watching for a bit longer, he stood up, dusting himself off and going inside to help Phil.

Daydream, noticing the other absence, whined and waddled to the house, stopping only when he saw something,  or somebody at the side of the house.

His child wonder got the best of him, slolwy going and walking to the side of the house, he saw green. There, a creeper hybrid stood.

Sam crouched down, "hey bud, wanna play a game?" He asked, tilting his head

Game? DayDream loved games! So instantly,  he agreed. Sam picked him up with ease, walking away from the property. He had no idea on how to actually take care of the child, or even how to entertain it, but he tried his best.

After a bit, DayDream got fussy because they were getting far from home,  sam gave him a weakness potion, saying it was just juice and the  toddler was knocked out in moments.

Sam sighed, this was gonna be a long journey to Las Navadas. But he had to keep the server safe, even if the bad guy was now a.. baby. That doesnt excuse what alive him did.

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