Not A Normal Girl

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Hiding in the radio room, A flash of green light transformed Shoko's cat-like attire back into a regular middle school uniform. A very tired Plagg sparked out of the cat miraculous, landing in her hands.

"Plagg!" She cried "You were in the ring this whole time! I'm so sorry! I didn't even realise you were missing!" Curled up in her cupped hands, the cat spirit finally opened its eyes looking up at its wielder in disarray. Shoko Gasped "Are you okay? What's wrong? Please Plagg, tell me what's the matter! Did I do something wrong?"

Plagg sat up in her hands and promptly plopped his stub like paws onto his belly, rubbing it.

Not too long after that, she found herself in her classroom, awkwardly watching Plagg scramble around the floor, picking out food. Finally, he found a slither of cheese from one of the abandoned lunches and quickly got back to his old self once he ate it.

Flying into her bag, she stepped into the hallway, which was now a complete mess. The floors were covered in what felt like every object in the school. The walls were filled with holes, wires being pulled out of them. And disoriented students and teachers scattered around the school, at a complete loss for what had happened to their school, having no memory of being controlled by The Pied Player. Shoko found it almost impossible to get to the courtyard without bumping into something. But compared to what she had gone through, she was able to manage.

In the courtyard, two of the popular girls sat on the fountain, trying to get their bearings back. Walking over to them, Shoko kneeled down and plunged her hands back into the fountain water, carefully picking up the broken pieces of the CD that remained. She had to at least clean up some of her mess. The other girls must not have been disoriented enough to not notice Shoko doing this, as they promptly started leaving the yard, giving her disgusted looks in the process.

Plagg spun out of her bag, throwing the rest of his cheese into his mouth, as Shoko put all the broken pieces she had fished out into her bag. Taking out her hearing aid, she placed it back onto her left ear, and turned it on.

"-nally, they're gone! Thought they'd never leave!" Plagg (assumedly) whined, swimming through the air without a care in the world.

Shoko Sat down on the fountain. She knew at any moment a teacher would probably come marching in to escort her, and all the other students,out of the school. She also knew that all this damage was probably her fault, as if it weren't for her doubts, she would have defeated The Pied Player much faster. But for once, she let herself sit back and smile. She had saved the school. There would never again be another fake smile within those walls. Now she just needed to ask Plagg what comes next. She shuffled through her bag, looking for something to write on, before having a realisation.

She chuckled.

She's going to have to buy a new notebook.

Shape of a Miracle EP 1 - The Pied PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now