Chapter 7: Workin' For The Weekend

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The interviewer was a hot young woman who was clever and professional enough not to swoon over Motley Crue, and remain objective even when Tommy spent a good part openly flirting with her. 

Jenna was well aware of the band's antics, and reputation of being all ladies' men, sex depraved rock stars, known for being loud, crude, and rude. But once one got past that, she found the band to be rather tamed. Maybe the rumors were all just that, rumors, perhaps the band played up the wild stories in order to draw in fans and readers. Clever really. What she found was a band serious about their work, especially Nikki who seemed more withdrawn than she expected. 

She asked the standard questions about their new album, inspiration for it, what they expected from fan response when it was released, before delving into more personal questions about each band member. Vince was not pleased to be asked about the car accident, much had been hushed up except someone had died, a drummer from a UK band. The circumstances were vague in the available police reports her editor dug up, but he quickly changed the subject, telling her about his upcoming nuptials to his girlfriend Beth Lynn, a model. 

Tommy was hyper and optimistic saying their fans were the best, loyal, and would love their new album. Nothing any deeper than that. Mick grunted some replies as she probed him about his contributions to the new album. But the one she really wanted to have a peek inside their mind was Nikki Sixx. As the band's songwriter, and creator, he always had something interesting to say. 

But he hadn't a lot to say except he was proud of what they were able to accomplish, he spoke highly about one song, Home Sweet Home, but remained vague on the rest. He looked paler than usual, sans his white make-up, and tired but perhaps that could be blamed on the grind they were on according to Tommy Lee. 

She got enough and packed up to leave, dodging Tommy's insistence she come out with them tonight. Jenna loathed to admit but it was tempting. Tommy was tall, gorgeous, and famous, what was there not to love? But she was not to become another one night stand floozy to be a notch in Tommy's long record of conquests. Being a woman in this industry meant dealing with unfair work demands, constant sexual harassment, and double standards, where if her colleagues learned she fucked someone like Tommy Lee, she'd be labeled derogatorily as a slut, easy, losing all the hard earned respect. Sometimes she hated her job, but once her pieces got published, it was all worth it in the end. 

Tommy Lee whined like a kicked puppy after the journalist left. 

"There's plenty more to score out there tonight," Vince smacked Tommy in the shoulder. 

The band decided to take Vince out for a wild night. his last romp as a free man before his wedding the following weekend which was to be a modest affair. Friends and family, at some upscale Malibu hotel reception room. 

Tonight would be night clubs and strip joints. 

Tommy immediately forgot the hot journalist lady, thinking about all the available broads that would be throwing themselves at him tonight. 

Usually Nikki would be all for this, but the week had been a killer, last to forget about that, he was still trying. He finally was able to talk to Leonel about the pills. Mainly how he needed more.

Leonel didn't feel the need to talk about the details of how he got them, only he knew someone within Typhon who knew someone from one of their pharmaceutical companies that had access to new experimental drugs. So when Leonel asked about something to help a heroin addict get weaned off while softening the withdrawal symptoms, his contact admitted this new fancy drug they were developing might be useful. He zoned out about the science behind the drug that was explained in great detail to him over the phone, all Leonel cared about was that it could be a solution to his Nikki Sixx drug habits problem. 

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