Chapter Twenty-One: Got Your Back

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They made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare. Megan had been pretty calm on the way over but now it was hitting her what they were actually doing.
"I feel sick..." She told Avery, making the other teen laugh slightly.
"That's normal in these situations, relax." Avery tried to support her friend. Megan looked at her and then back at the hospital.
"Ehh, I don't think I can do this." Megan mumbled, looking at the hospital. The two teens stood out front in the ambulance bay.
"Nope." She added louder and she started turning around and walking away.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Avery practically shouted, making Megan freeze and turn back around. Avery was sure people around had heard but didn't care.
"Seriously? You fly all the way out here to talk to this guy. To meet your biological dad and now you're here, you're going to chicken out? I don't think so!" Avery said very loudly to the point where Megan knew people were watching.
"Ahora, ahora, qué pasa con todos los gritos? (Translation: Now, now, what's with all the shouting?)." A nurse said walking over to them.
"Hola Jesse." Avery smiled, going to hug him.
"You know him?" Megan asked Avery.
"Yeah, he was one of the nurses that looked after me after the accident with my mom." Avery simply told her.
"Oh right."
"Jesse, esta es Megan, mi mejor amiga de Austin (Translation: Jesse, this is Megan, my best friend from Austin.)"
"Nice to meet you." Jesse smiled.
" speak Spanish?" Megan responded, glancing at Avery.
"Jesse taught me whilst I was in hospital." Avery nodded.
"What's with all the shouting?" Jesse asked the teens.
"Oh, sorry, my bad. I was yelling at her." Avery said.
"Oh err, we're here for a reason...a personal one. She's meeting someone." Avery said, not wanting to tell him everything.
"I just found out who my biological dad is...he works here." Megan explained, not wanting to give a name in case Mike didn't want that personal information shared.
"Oh right."
"Yeah...we came all this way, and she was about to walk away, I'm not letting that happen." Avery said, looking at Megan.
"Well stop shouting. I have to get back, but it was nice seeing you." Jesse told Avery.
"Fue un placer verte también. Intenta no extrañarme demasiado. (Translation: It was nice seeing you too. Try not to miss me too much.)" Avery teased, as she hugged Jesse again. He smiled and laughed as he walked back inside. Megan and Avery sat on the wall of the ramp outside of the ambulance bay to wait for Mike so that they were out of the way but could spot him when he came out. Avery was reading the book she had brought with her as Megan sat nervously waiting.
"Heads up." Megan said, tapping Avery's knee as she jumped down from the wall. Avery jumped down as well as Mike spotted them and walked over. Avery smiled when she recognised the doctor.
"It's you...Dr Leighton." Avery said, making Megan look at her.
"He was one of the doctors that treated me here after the quarry accident, I knew I recognised the name." Avery explained, making Mike recognise her.
"Oh, wow, it's good to see you again. I'm glad you're doing okay." Mike said, happy to see her recover from something like that. Avery smiled slightly.
"Well, I was going to say Mike, this is Avery, my best-friend from Austin. Avery, this is Mike Leighton." Megan said, introducing the pair again as it had been a while since they had seen each other, and she thought he should know who she was to Megan.
"I'm not staying, I just wanted to make sure you weren't a serial killer." Avery told him, making him chuckle.
"I don't know." Megan shrugged as she laughed.
"Anyways, now I know you're not, I'm gonna go and leave you two alone. Hopefully I'll see you again soon. I'm just going to say this hurt her, and you have me to deal with and I'm bat shit crazy."
"Avery!" Megan said, cringing.
"Bye now." Avery smiled before she walked away.
"I am so sorry." Megan apologized, as she laughed a little.
"It's fine...I'm glad you have someone that has your back." Mike said honestly.
"Are you hungry?" He asked the teen, changing the subject.
"I could eat." Megan nodded.
"Do you like pizza? Because there's this really nice place a few blocks from here we could go to." Mike asked the teen.
"Do I like pizza? What kind of monster says no to that question." Megan joked.
"Good answer." Mike laughed as they started walking.

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