Chapter Thirty-Five: Intimate Moments

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It had been a long two weeks. Avery had eventually been found in Chicago and admitted to a psychiatric  ward at Gaffney Medical Centre. After being kept on a mandatory 72-hour by the units lead psychiatrist, Dr Charles, Avery had been sedated and medevacked back to Austin and admitted straight into a high security psychiatric facility. As TK and Owen stayed with Avery whilst she was admitted, Carlos drove Jason back home.
"Thanks for the ride." Jason told Carlos as they pulled up outside Jason's house.
"Get some sleep." Carlos told Jason, considering none of them had slept much at all these past few weeks.
"Yeah, you too." Jason nodded and he got out of the car. He grabbed his bag from the back before he headed inside. Megan was waiting for him at the front door.
"Mom at work?" Jason asked her once he gave Megan a kiss and a tight hug.
"Yeah." Megan nodded.
"How's Ave?" Megan asked as they walked inside.
"Urrm, not good. They had to keep her sedated to move her. TK and Owen are with her now as it's family only right now." Jason explained as he dumped his bag down on the floor before flopping down onto the couch. Megan sat down and snuggled against him.
"Your mom bought me a new laptop." Megan told Jason after a few minutes of silence.
"Of course she did." He laughed.
"I tried to give it back but she can be very persistent." Megan stated.
"Now I know where you get it from." She joked, looking at him. He smiled and laughed.
"Are you hungry?" Megan asked her boyfriend.
"Not really...I'm just exhausted." Jason shook his head as he relaxed back. Megan grabbed the TV remote and flicked on the TV, putting on something in the background. She smiled as she felt Jason relax. Within a few minutes, he was asleep, still keeping Megan close with his arm around her. Megan snuggled closer against him and shut her eyes. It had been a stressful few weeks for everyone so taking in the moment felt special.

Almost a week later and things were slowly returning to normal. Jason and Carlos had gone back to work the day after getting back. Considering they couldn't visit Avery, it felt best to keep themselves distracted with work. After getting Avery settled, TK and Owen had also gone back to work. As Avery had told them as well as her doctors from the facility, there wasn't much they could do right now, so getting back to their normal routine was best for everyone. Spending her time between Jasons, her own apartment and TK and Carlos' place, Megan still had a lot of free time on her hands. She had made the decision to start looking for some part time work in hopes it would help her stay on track. After spending the afternoon looking around town for jobs, Megan found herself at the facility where Avery was. They weren't lying when they said it was a secure facility. They were keycode panels and locks everywhere. She even had to be buzzed in the reception area.
"Hi, can I help you?" The guy behind the reception desk asked Megan as she walked over.
"I need to see Avery Strand. I'm her best friend, Megan." Megan told him. The guy typed something on the computer before he looked back up at Avery.
"I'm sorry, Avery can't have any external visitors right now. And on top of that, she's told staff she doesn't want to see you." The guy told the teen.
"What?" Megan was in shock.
"I'm sorry, I can't let you in without her or her doctors consent." The guy stated again.
"I'm not going anywhere until I see her. I just want two minutes with her. Two minutes, that's all I'm asking for, please." Megan begged as the guy stood on the other side of the reception desk.
"I'm sorry, she doesn't want to see you so we cannot let you in." He told her sternly.
"Then you can tell her that I'll be waiting out here and I'm not going anywhere until I see her or her doctor." Megan said, sitting down in one of the chairs by the window. The guy behind the desk stood up and buzzed himself through to the back.

Ten minutes later, Megan looked up as someone walked into the reception area from outside.
"Shit." It was Carlos, in uniform which meant he was on patrol. He looked at the teen disappointedly as he walked over to the receptionist who had come out again. After a few minutes he walked over to Megan.
"Come on." He told the teen.
"I'm not leaving." Megan stated, not moving.
"Either you leave with me voluntarily or I'll have to arrest you for trespassing Megan, your choice." Carlos warned her. Megan looked at him and sighed before standing up. He grabbed her arm gently to escort her out. Once they were outside, he let her go.
"Hey, hey, wait a minute." He said as Megan started walking away. He grabbed her arm again to stop her walking away.
"I just want to see her, Carlos. Two minutes, that's all I was asking for." Megan responded as she stopped walking but shook his hand off of her arm.
"I know. But legally, unless Avery or her doctor approves it, they can't let you in. You of all people should know that." Carlos told the teen.
"We never got to make up after that argument we had. She went AWOL and all I thought was I'd never see her again and that last thing I said to her was to fuck off." Megan said, wiping away a stray tear."
"Do you have any idea how that feels?" Megan said sadly, looking at him with her tear stricken face.
"Avery will come round. She's stubborn but she'll change her mind. She has a lot going on right now and all we can do is wait. I know it's difficult but she knows we're here for her." Carlos told the teen supportively. Megan looked at him.
"But you getting yourself arrested isn't going to solve anything." He added with a stern look.
"I was not going to get arrested." Megan snorted.
"If I hadn't been the one to get the job, yes you would have." Carlos told her seriously. Megan sighed.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't really thinking." Megan said quietly.
"Come on, I'll give you a ride." Carlos said, opening the back of his patrol car. Megan hesitated before she walked over and climbed into the car.
"Can I go see Jason?" Megan asked Carlos as he went to close the door behind her. He thought for a second before agreeing.

As they pulled up outside Jason's house, Carlos got out of the car to let Megan out of the back. As she climbed out, he stopped her from walking away.
"Promise me not to do anything stupid again?" He asked her. Megan couldn't help but chuckle a little.
"I promise. Thanks for not arresting me I guess." Megan joked.
"Too soon?" She asked, pulling a face. Carlos just nodded whilst keeping a straight face. Megan gave him a hug and said goodbye before she walked towards Jason's front door. She had messaged him to let him know she was coming so he was waiting at the door. After greeting each other with a kiss, he led her inside and up to his room. His mom was at work so they were alone. After a little while, they were snuggled on his bed, watching a film. Jason kept glancing at Megan. She hadn't really said anything sinc arriving. He could tell there was something on her mind.
"What are you thinking about?" Jason asked her, reaching to take her hand in his. He squeezed her hand.
"I almost got arrested today." She told him with no context.
"I'm sorry, you what? Explain please." He responded. Megan shifted to look at him.
"I tried to go and see Avery. She won't let me see her." Megan explained.
"Oh, and how did that go?" Jason asked, slowly putting it all together.
"Well they obviously wouldn't let me in. So my stupid ass refused to leave until they let me see her. They called the cops. Luckily it was Carlos that showed up so he dragged me out of there but if it had been anyone else, I'd probably be sitting in a police station right now." Megan explained, ashamed of herself.

A few hours later, after napping on the couch, Megan and Jason moved up to his room. Jason had asked Megan to spend the night so they could spend some time together now that he was back at work. Megan had changed into some of the clothes she had left at his place whilst Jason had gone to shower and change. They were now lying in bed together, watching a movie on his TV. Megan was wearing a pair of joggers along with one of Jason's shirts which was half open. He was lying on his side next to her. He was using his finger to softly trace the scars on Megan's stomach from when she was shot.
"Do they ever hurt?" He asked her quietly, making Megan look at him.
"Not really anymore." She shook her head.
"You know that day all I thought about was Avery until my dad pointed out that I had been shot too." Megan told him quietly.
"That's what makes you a great friend. You put yourself in danger to help your friend." Jason said, making her smile.
"That's one thing I love about you. No matter what you're going through, you're always helping others." He said, pulling the shirt away from her shoulder to kiss it. Megan's smile grew.
"What else do you love about me?" Megan asked him, shifting slightly. Jason sat up on his elbow to face her properly.
"I love how even after everything you've been through you always keep yourself going." He started.
"I love your style."
"That's because it's a lot like yours." Megan couldn't help but laugh.
"True." He agreed.
"I love your smile and your laugh, they're pretty cute just like you." He said, leaning in closer to kiss her. Megan grinned as she kissed him back.
"I love how you never let anything change the way you see yourself. Like these...they only make you more beautiful." Jason said quietly as he leant down and kissed both of her scars on her stomach.
"I love that I can trust you." He continued, planting a kiss a little higher up.
"I love your silly side." Another kiss.
"I love the way you make me smile and laugh." Another kiss.
"I love your eyes and the way I get butterflies every time I see you or hear your voice." Jason said, kissing her neck.
"And I love you for how amazing you are." He said, pausing to look her in the eyes before he planted a kiss on her lips. Megan grinned as she kissed him back.
"Yeah well you're pretty amazing too." Megan told him.
"Am I now?" He smirked like a school boy.
"Shut up." Megan laughed as she pushed him away jokingly.

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