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Heavy whump. Guts does not have a good time.


Kyle comes in. No emotions are behind his gaze. His face is completely blank. This isn't the first time he's come down here. It won't be the last. 

He speaks to them in a patronizing tone. He tells them that this is for the best, that they'll get out when they reform. That they'll thank him someday, for doing this.

 His tone could be mistaken for disappointment.

Guts thinks its more like malice now.

Then, he goes quiet. He has the key in his hand. The lava reflects on its cold iron surface. He always fiddles with the knob, never inserting it in the lock quite right the first time. 

Guts almost laughed the first time it happened. It's not very humorous anymore.

Not when they know what is sure to follow.

He pulls them harshly by their hair, moving them so that their face is lined up with the wall. 

"I'm sorry for this."

Their head is slammed into the wall. Kyle's grip doesn't loosen, he does it again, continuing to mutter out apologies.

They resist the urge to cry out. There's no point, nobody will hear them.

Another slam. Blood drips down their forehead, coating their face. Another slam. They close their eyes, the liquid stings their eyes. Another slam. They close their mouth as tightly as possible, they don't like the taste of it. Another slam.

His grip loosens, they fall down to the floor. Red pools around them, they can feel it there.

Kyle kicks them sharply in the ribs. They can barely feel it, their consciousness slips away.


Spidey comes in. Slamming the door behind her forcefully. Barely contained rage bubbles beneath her skin with every movement. Her dark grey eyes remind them of a thunderstorm.

Her tone is laced with anger, knit tightly around every word. She screams, tears spill from her face.

They try to tune out the yelling, as they do every time. Spidey continues to yell.

 They remember when they watched Spidey do the exact same thing years ago. 

She pulls a dagger out of the pocket of her jeans. Placing it to their throat. It draws blood, Spidey doesn't give them the satisfaction of doing running the blade through flesh quickly. Her movements with the weapon are painfully slow

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