Better than you.

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someone wanted me to make a oneshot based off that one fic on AO3 where c!Krow forgives c!Kyle because he got an ouchie with the lights off.

And I decided that you get your nemesis duo but you don't get the happy. You get the sickfic but not the fluff. I physically can't make these two be friends in any conceivable. 

I'm sorry for disappointing you but at the same time I like this better then my draft where I made them friends just because of how forced it feels canon-wise. Take your sickfic, take your crumbs, but you are not getting nemesis duo fluff out of me!


Kyle woke up feeling like he had been hit by a car. His head ached and spun. A wave of nausea stirred up in him the moment he regained his consciousness.

Well, maybe a slight clue as to where he was, he had arrived in the Clearing yesterday, unless his mind was was just fucking with him again. It wouldn't be that far fetched, maybe he was just so hungry the illusion of food had been enough to fill him up in his head.

He attempted to sit up, to which he was immediately pushed back down. Not in a nice way, like when Acho had always insisted he sleep more after a particularly late night. It was rough, more like a shove. His head smacked back into wood, causing his head to throb even more.

"Stay down, dipshit, I'm not done." 

Now he was praying that he was currently dreaming, because whatever the fuck his mind could come up with was about a thousand times less scary then the probably millions of ways that Krow could come up with to kill him when he couldn't fight back.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm helping you, against my better judgement."

He opened his eyes, almost able to ignore how blinding the light of the outside world was and how it made his head spin even faster, just barely swallowing back the second round of bile that ran up his throat.

He looked around, without sitting up. He didn't feel like pissing off Krow even more, considering he absolutely didn't have the strength to fight back right now. 

Down on his chest was a large gash, oozing out thick red blood and dripping it down onto the wood. Krow was currently pouring some odd substance down on the wound, it stung, but he didn't say anything about it. On a nearby table was one of Krow's knives soaked in blood. He supposed that's what had had gotten him.

"What happened?" He asked, the memories were hazy in his spinning head. The pain made it too hard to focus on much of anything.

"You jumped in my way while I was shooting the targets, you fucking dumbass."

It pours more of the potion onto the cut, and it sings more. He hissed as it made contact with the flesh, earning a glare from the demon. It went over to the table with the knife, setting down the substance and grabbing a roll of bandages.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I have no damn clue where Soup is right now, knocked on her door for like ten minutes. Just didn't answer. You're lucky she taught me how to do this shit."

That wasn't the answer he was looking for, and Krow knew that. It seemed like it was just waiting for him to ask as it continued to wrap the bandages around the cut, wrapping them tight enough to cut off circulation. 

"You know that isn't what I mean."

Krow didn't look up, continuing to wind the plaster for another few seconds without responding. It reached over for the bloodied knife, before Kyle had the proper time to react, it had used it to simply cut off the end of the bandage before putting it right back on the table where it was before.

"Because Kyle, unlike you, I don't leave people to die just because of their faults."

He knew that reply was coming, but he still cringed at the words.

"So you helped me so you could say you're better than me? What's the point?"

Krow grinned, squatting down to reach the level Kyle was sitting at, face to face, blood red iris' peeked through its hair, piercing right into him with almost as much ferocity as the knife had.

"Kyle, I'm not better than you. I've done some fucked up shit, and I will admit to that, unlike you. I know I've done bad things before and after I got here, but you know what? I'm not half as selfish or self absorbed as you are, and I will never be."

It stood back up, walking towards the door. "Stay still unless you want to rebreak a few of your ribs. I'm getting Acho to bring you back to your place, but if you prefer to stay in a dead guy's cafe, I'll let them know."

He did then register the fact that he was at Munch at Mohwee's, laying on one of the back counters. He sat up, it didn't hurt as much this time, the potion must have really done something. It had made his chest feel more tingly, it didn't hurt as much anymore.

"Krow, I-"

"Kyle you fucking owe me, and you can start on that by shutting the hell up." 

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