Well this is awkward

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Not long had passed but it already felt like hours, Fukase tried his best to act like he usually does but he felt as if he could burst out in tears any minute now, knowing that someone who he trusted so much spoke of him in such a way was stressing him out. At certain times he wanted to do nothing more then to run out and go home but he obviously knew he'd never hear the end of it, so he just endured the rest of the hour, throughout the class flower would doodle on Fukase's copy and all he could do was smile at her awkwardly while deep down he just wanted to kill her.

Class ended and Fukase felt like he just waited 10 years, while leaving the classroom he didn't even wait for Flower, he just ran straight into the bathroom, Oliver arranged to meet Fukase their so they can talk about the incident without Flower hearing. Oliver was already in the bathroom, considering his classroom was closer then his was it was a faster journey. Fukase hugged Oliver from behind frightening him "Ah- Fukase you came faster then expected, I was just fixing my bandages" "yeah that class felt like 70 years it was so awkward" Fukase rested his head against Oliver's shoulder while almost falling asleep "Fukase you really need to fix your sleep schedule, I know stuff happened yesterday but that doesn't mean you stop taking care of yourself, and either way you might wanna get up before people think we're gay" Fukase frowned while standing up straight "what if I am gay?" "Jeez Fukase if your gonna come out after all these years at least don't do it in front of the whole school" Oliver pet Fukase's hair while leaving the bathroom, abandoning their original objective. Once they both realised they forgot, it was too late considering they both noticed their friends waving at them from a table. "You two were in the bathroom for awhile I must say" Piko didn't even attempt to greet the two "they were probably making out" Flower laughed after saying this, along with everyone else at the table apart from Oliver and Fukase who didn't seem exactly pleased, but honestly that was the least of Fukase's concern considering all he wanted to was go home, mainly because of the awkwardness of being with Flower, but also because he was absolutely exhausted.
Not even two minutes later Fukase fell asleep on the table without taking a bite of his food. "God I'm gonna ask a teacher and I'll bring Fukase home" Oliver knew if Fukase was so tired he'd fall asleep on the table, there's no point in him being in school.

Fukase wasn't waking up and Oliver was carrying him home and all he could do was pray Fukase would eventually wake up so he can walk himself, it's not that he was that heavy but after awhile it got very tiring. "God at this stage I'm just gonna stop at a nearby bench and leave you there" which is exactly what Oliver did, except he waited with him at the bench until he woke up "you're lucky I love you" Oliver has had slight feelings for the redhead recently, in which he was planning on confessing sometime soon but knowing now Fukase is too stressed at the moment due to the incident with flower he figures it could wait awhile. "Where am I?" Fukase had finally woken up from his 'nap' "you're in the park Fukase, you fell asleep in school so I decided to take you home- or well halve way" Oliver smiled while petting the others hair "god was I really that tired?" Fukase sighed before standing up "do you wanna come to my house or go back to school?" Fukase knew which option he preferred but knew Oliver still cared about his education. "Well I guess a day off wouldn't be that bad, plus we can talk about yesterday if you wanted" after Oliver said this Fukase felt like he was going to cry again, the thought of it is too much for him "wait sorry! I didn't think you'd start crying" although it wasn't too visible, Oliver knew well enough the other was about to cry. Oliver hugged Fukase in an attempt to comfort him, which seemed to be working. The only downside was Olivers shoulder were getting wet from all the tears, but he didn't mind too much, it was his fault the redhead started crying in the first place.

The walk home was silent and slightly awkward, but that's no surprise. "Sooo... you feeling alright now" Oliver wanted to make sure Fukase wasn't still thinking about the incident with Flower but unfortunately that wasn't the case "yeah just kinda depressed about yesterday..." Fukase said this without showing any emotion which concerned Oliver, all he could do though was hope it was because the redhead was tired.
Oliver had gotten startled by the sudden weight on his shoulder but once he noticed it was just Fukase resting his head down he calmed down, although what else could it have been after all.

They both arrived at Fukase's house, even tho going to Oliver's would've been faster, Fukase's parents weren't home so they didn't need to come up with a whole excuse on why they were home early. Fukase flopped on the couch head first, which he instantly regretted, but decided not to complain because it was his own fault. "So what now" Oliver sat down beside Fukase and waited for the redheads reply "I dunno" Fukase sat up straight to give Oliver more room to sit considering he was basically just sitting on the armrest "sooo... Fukase, when do you plan on telling Flower about what you found out?" Oliver prepared to comfort Fukase but he seemed surprisingly calm "probably at the end of the school year, she's going to a different school then anyway" Fukase looked up at Oliver "unless you think we should tell her sooner?" Oliver disagreed at telling her sooner and decided that telling her at the end of the year is probably the best option. Oliver wasn't sure if he'd stay friends with Flower still, but either way he still had a few months before the end of the year so he'll just wait till then to decide.

Sorry this took so long to update I honestly didn't know what to write, and either way I'm not the best at English so there's a limit to the amount of words I know-

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