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Trigger warning: self harm

School, it's awful, parents say it's useful but from your perspective you'd be questioning what they really learnt from there. Or at least that's what Fukase felt, like many people he wished he could just sleep in and for school to start later, but in the end if it did start later we'd all just sleep in later and then want it to start later again, and then later, and later till it starts at the time it ends, it would be the never ending cycle if teachers listened to what students wanted, so why go to school at all if teachers aren't going to listen to anyone.

A Wednesday morning Fukase was dreading school more then usual considering the usual recently was not being able to get out of bed until last minute. Point often attempts to bring Fukase out of bed on days like these but obviously his size did not have any advantage to this. Fukase would normally play along and act like it was possible but he just couldn't do it, it almost felt like there was something holding him down, not letting him move. "Sorry not today Point, you gotta work out more". Not even moments later Fukase's mother comes in "hey you feeling ok? You're normally awake by now?" ... a few moments pass and she receives no response. Seeing him staring at the wall she decides to walk over "Fukase school starts in 10 minutes you should be dressed by now, get out of bed and i can drive you down" there was no response for a moment before Fukase responded "actually can I stay home? I'm not feeling great" "yeah sure, I'll bring you up breakfast and then I'll be going to work ok?" Fukase's mother then left the room to then shortly bring him a bowl of cereal and a glass of water "make sure you drink water ok? You're probably just sick cause you're dehydrated... I'll see you later ok?" "Ok.." as Fukase's mother went to leave the room he decided to ask one question before she left "mom, do you think I'm clingy?" Fukase's mother thought for a moment "I mean as a kid you were pretty clingy but now you barely talk to me" "ok thanks, sorry about the random question" "it's alright, I'd better go now though just in case of traffic, I doubt it tho... see you later" "bye" Fukase waved as his mother closed the bedroom door behind her.

In school:
Oliver stared at the door of his classroom as the teacher spoke about... "god what is this teacher even talking about" Oliver thought to himself "I doubt it's even that important". Oliver was sitting at the back of the class behind the tall kid so even if he wanted to listen he wouldn't be able to see, so trying to pass time he put on his headphones and rested his head on the table to try pass time. Oliver tried closing his eyes but he was kinda nervous to sleep... he always felt nervous wearing his headphones in public, possibly because they had cat ears on them. He would replace them but they work perfectly fine so it would just be a waste of money, plus no one ever made fun of him for them... yet it's still one of his fears.

"Meow" "Meow" Oliver heard someone repeating from somewhere in the classroom. He wasn't sure was someone doing that cause of his headphones or just randomly, but Oliver hoping it's the second option he decides to ignore it. Moments later he feels something hit him on the head, not that it was hard enough to hurt him but he definitely flinched. Once he sat up a bit and looked around him he noticed a lot of paper surrounding him... "wow someone must have bad aim" Oliver thought as he opened the paper "You a furry?... Ew" "You gonna eat your bird cause you're a cat" "go back to the trash with all the other stray cats" the multiple notes had many things like these written in them, Oliver looked around to see who could've written these but no one seemed to be laughing, giggling or just showing any signs of them being the person who wrote them. Nonetheless Oliver wanted to throw out the headphones more then ever now, not that the notes were even that harsh but he just felt especially insecure knowing people do in fact find it weird he's wearing such headphones. He was about to take them off and put them in his bag until he heard a notification sound
Fukase: hey srry I'm not in, feelin a lil bit meh
Oliver: Oh u ok?? And how dare you abandon me 😭
Fukase: as good as I can be considering the thing with Flower...
Oliver: I'm still convinced it's fake :p
Fukase: yeah I hope so...
Fukase: so anything interesting happen?
Oliver: other then getting bullied for my headphones it's like any other day
Fukase: what's wrong with your headphones .-.
Oliver: uhhhhh they may sorta have cat ears on them
Oliver: I used to a lot before I got James
Fukase: ah yeah, anyway who was bullying you, I'll beat them up .^.
Oliver: no offence Fukase but... you barely look like you can break a stick
Fukase: WOW OLIVER you may as well be bullying me rn
Oliver: I'm sorry but it's true 😭
Fukase: I can't believe I thought you were a nice person 😔 I'll inform you that I can in fact break a stick btw
Fukase: but seriously who was it? You should tell a teacher, I'm sure they can beat them up SINCE YOU THINK IM INCAPABLE
Oliver: LOOK IM SORRY 😭, and I'm not sure honestly no one seemed to be looking at me
Fukase: how do you not know who they are, did you not recognise their voice
Oliver: no they threw notes at me-
Fukase: ohh makes sense

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