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"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I hissed, pushing the drunken man off of me. He tried to grab my arms and put them behind me. First night in town, and this was already happening. "HEY!! GET OFF OF HER!" A boy with short blonde hair yelled, grabbing the man off me.

I felt the tears finally fall when the man wasn't on top of me anymore. I closed my eyes, not wanting to be able to see, I wanted to gouge my eyes out at this moment.

after about 3 minutes of hearing punches and yells, i heard a voice next to me that made me jump. "hey are you ok?" a raspy young voice asked me gently. "no." I sobbed, and let everything fall apart. my new house, my mom getting high, me leaving and now this. "hey, hey your ok don't worry i'll make sure he never comes back near you." the boy responded sweetly.

"it's not that- everything fucking sucks, i wanna go home." I sobbed, finally opening my eyes and meeting his. He had icy blue eyes, and pretty blonde hair "I can give you a ride home?" He responded, still trying to comfort me.

"yea, if you wanna drive all the way to Seattle, you do that." I laughed, wiping the tears still running down my face, feeling more trickle down my face. "you're a run away?" he asked me, a hint of pity in his voice. "no, i moved here yesterday. my moms high as all hell right now, and my dads 17 hours away." I sobbed, breaking down again.

He pulled me into a gentle hug. "i'm so sorry." he helped me stand up, while still hugging me. "it isn't your fault." i sobbed, not even being able to keep myself from the agonizing sobs. after this he didn't ask anything else. he just let me cry for a minute.

"i'm so sorry, i've kept you here for too long." i wiped my face, and apologized multiple times, and started to walk towards the direction i came from. "are you walking home?" he asked, with a confused look. "yea i kinda just ran out of my house." i responded, turning around, walking backwards, while trying to cover up my puffy face.

"No, im not letting you walk home alone this late at night." he responded, with a sweet smile. "no it's fine! i don't wanna be a bother." I smiled, walking backwards. "yea no, follow me." he smiled, walking towards me and grabbing my hand gently.

"fine, but that doesn't mean i won't feel like a burden." I sighed, feeling like a huge bother at this moment. "don't." he smiled and lead me to his motor bike. "i've got a bigger temptation to walk home now." I sighed, and he responded with a laugh.

He kicked his bike start and then handed me a helmet. "don't you need a helmet?" I asked, putting the helmet on my head. "no, i'm a good driver i'll be ok! and just incase, i would want you to be safe" he smiled softly towards me. I was glad it was dark outside, and that I had a helmet on, because I felt my cheeks heat up. "thank you." i responded genuinely

this boy seemed like he was very nice so far. "Where do you live?" He asked. "down in reseda *insert address*" I responded. "alright."he responded, grabbing the handle bar.

I got on the bike and held onto the seat. "if you don't want to fly off, you should hold onto me instead." he responded, his voice softening from when he was flirting.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "alright i'm gonna go, hold on." he said, and looked forwards, and started off. he didn't go too fast, and I could tell he was making sure I would be ok.

I rested my head on his shoulder, and looked around. this was a nice town, and it was rather charming.

It was a quiet ride, other than the song of the engine. My mom would probably be passed out, and in the morning she would apologize for relapsing, and make a promise to me that she wouldn't do it ever again. but I knew better at this point. She would have an awful day, and it all would crash and burn all over again.

I was exhausted, from packing all day, to running out, and then crying on a strangers shoulder, it was definitely a day. I saw my neighborhood come into sight, and all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed.

The blonde boy parked, and kept the bike steady while I got off. I took off the helmet, and handed it back to the boy. "Thank you so much for the ride." I smiled gratefully. "any time, i'm just glad you didn't have to walk that far, this late at night." He smiled, putting his helmet on.

"Well i'll see you later stranger." He smirked, putting his helmet on. "Talk to you later blonde boy." I waved, and he waited to drive off until I closed the gate behind me. I walked silently up the stairs, and unlocked the house with my key. my mother was laying on the couch. I walked to her room and grabbed a pillow and blanket.

I lifted her head gently and placed a pillow under her head, and tucked her in with a blanket. I kissed her forehead and walked into my room, rethinking the events of the night, and then suddenly realizing, i never caught that boys name.

though, i never did ask.

I closed my eyes, and get let myself wonder.

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boom, chapter one IS WRITTEN 😍

so yea, i plan to finish this book, and then i have 2-3 plans for future books, and then i'll most likely be done writing for this series!! just saying, all my books are based in the same universe!!

omg guys i love ollie so much, but she's gonna go through a lot in this book.

anyways, ollie is awesome, and so is interacting with this chapter, and voting!!

(you should totally spam the comments with random shit)



sincerely, lorelei, your favorite wattpad writer <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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