⩤⚡The First Day pt.3⚡⩥

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Todoroki walked beside me as we made our way off the training grounds.
"The Heroes Win! Well done Everyone!" All Might Roared.
Looking over at Bakugo, I saw he was glaring at me as if I were an animal that just stole his food.
"Okay, the last group will go soon, meanwhile you five got to recovery girl to get fixed up." Aizawa ordered and we all obliged. I simply walked behind Todoroki as he led the way to this 'Recovery Girl' person, I assumed it was a nurse or something.
"OI What happened to staying out of my way?" Bakugo barked once we were out of earshot of the teachers.
"Bakugo, leave him alone, your team won just fine" Mina said in an annoyed tone.
I rolled my eyes and looked over at Kaminari, who was on my other side.
"How did you heal my hands like that?... or, Why did you?" he said, noticing when I looked at him.
"I have a healing ability within my quirk, and if I didn't heal you then, your skin would have kept searing.. your grabbed my blade pretty hard." I explained in a monotone voice.
"What was that blade anyways?" He continued his string of questions.
Instead of using words, I formed my blade of light, catching the other three's attention.
"Woah, Whats that?" Mina questioned.
"My Light Weapon" I said as if it were obvious.
"So What exactly is your quirk?" Mina asked intrigued.
"It's called guardian." I said, unsure of what to start with.
"So you can heal, fly, and summon this blade looking thing~ ?" Kaminari said, counting my abilities on his fingers.
"mhm" I responded. I wasn't going to tell them anything else unless they asked.
"What else can you do?" Mina asked.
"uhm, well I can also manipulate light." I replied, making the blade disappear, and opened my palm, making two glowing butterflies of light flap around my hand.
"Woahh-" Kaminari said, opened jawed.
Todoroki also seemed to have his attention caught by my display.
We reached a door and entered a small clinic like office.

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/ Time Skip brought upon us by Midoriya being a cinnamon-bun with abs /

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 We left the tiny old lady's office and walked in silence, back to the training grounds.
The last team much have just finished since we saw the group of students heading back to the main building. Mina took off in a jog to join them, while Bakugo, Kaminari, Todoroki, and I all remained at a walk, with Bakugo slightly in front of me.
Something about how 'we're all extras and we shouldn't walk in front of him'.
I looked over at the two boys that walked next to me. The boy with half and half hair walked directly next to me, Kaminari being on the other side of him. The dual hair colored boy glanced over at me, and I averted my eyes back to the ground.

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/ Another Time Skip cause I'm Lazy rn /

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 / Once they return to the class room and have changed back to their uniforms /

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3rd POV

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 Y/n sat at his desk, fiddling with a pencil as it rolled around on his desk.
"Alright, go ahead to lunch" Aizawa said before zipping himself back into a caterpillar.
Looking up from his desk, y/n saw the many students begin filing out of the room, eager to get to lunch after the training. Slowly, he rose from his chair and followed at the back of the group, unsure of where he even needed to go.
Once they all reached the cafeteria, y/n paused, looking around.
"Hey, new guy, wanna come sit with me and Hitoshi?" a voice asked from being him, causing y/n to spin around to face whoever was talking.
Monoma stood with a gentle smile and a partially extended hand.
"uhm.. sure.. thanks" Y/n agreed without any objections.
"Cool! Follow me" Monoma instructed turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.

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 Monoma led me over to a table where another boy sat. The boy had purple hair and some serious eye bags.
"This is Hitoshi Shinso - Shinso this is y/n - he's new here today" Monoma said proudly sitting down.
The Shinso guy glanced up at me, and did a double take, before looking away again.
"Anyways~ yeah, you're welcome to sit with us whenever" Monoma added, seemingly disappointed in his friend's lack of response.
"Thanks" I replied, sitting down in the empty chair beside Shinso.

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With the Bakusquad

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 "The hell is that extra doing with those two!?" Bakugo hissed, seeing y/n sit down next to Shinso.
Mina looked around confused for a minute before seeing what he was talking about.
"What the- why is he over there?" Mina repeated, dragging out the 'is' in her question.
"Maybe they invited him over-" Kirishima said, stating the obvious with a nervous chuckle earning a hard glare from Bakugo.
"Why don't we just go ask?" Kaminari suggested, getting up from his seat.
Sero laughed and looked back at Y/n sitting with those two again.

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3rd Person POV

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Y/n rested his chin on his hand and looked up at Monoma, who was watching him closely.
"So, Y/n, how's your day been with 1-A?" He asked, a sinister aura dripping from him.
"It's definitely been.. something" Y/n mumbled, recalling the days events.
"You'd be so much better off in 1-B, it's 100 times better" He chuckled with a shrug.
"Are you in 1-B as well?" Y/n asked, gesturing to Shinsou.
He shook his head, looking up at Y/n with his tired eyes.
"General Studies" he said dully.
Suddenly, Shinsou looked up, past Y/n catching his attention again, as Kaminari neared the table.
"To What do we owe the pleasure of you 1-A Twats interrupting our lunch?" Monoma sneered once Kaminari reached the table.
Kaminari let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, when Kirishima and Bakugo appeared behind him. Bakugo wasted no time slamming his hand down on the table and glaring at the three seated. Shinsou stared him down with an emotionless glare, before switching his gaze to Kaminari.
"Shut the hell up Monoma, And you- what are you doing over here with These guys!?" Bakugo raged.
"They invited me over, and last I check, he's been the nicest to me so far out of all of you." Y/n deadpanned.
Bakugo looked like he was going to explode. Kirishima was trying to cool him off. Kaminari didn't know what to do, and just looked at Y/n with a nervous look.
"Are you trying to start shit with me?" Bakugo growled, grabbing Y/n's Collar and pulling him forward.
Monoma jumped up from his seat, and Shinsou watched carefully.
"Let him go Dude!" Kirishima yelped in a panic, afraid a fight was going to break out.
"Your the one starting shit" Y/n said, never breaking eye contact with Bakugo.
With a grunt, Bakugo threw Y/n down to the floor, at this point everyone in the cafeteria was turned and looking at them.
"This is exactly what I meant" Monoma said, crossing his arms.
"Are you alright?" Kaminari asked, crouching besides Y/n who was sitting on the floor now.
Bakugo shoved his hands in his pocket and turned to walk away.
"Whatever, Extra" He spat, before storming out. 

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Word Count: 1216 

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Hey Kitties! Tysm for reading this far! I hope you stick around for future updates :)
Tell me what you think of the story so far

Remember to get something to eat and stay hydrated and get some sleep!!

˚︶︶꒷︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶ ₊˚⊹your Author, Keith ˚︶︶꒷︶꒷꒦︶︶꒷꒦︶ ₊˚⊹

An Electric Flight ~ Kaminari x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now