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Wednesday 5th July 2024



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Liked by charles_leclerc, isabelricciardo and 7,382,872 others
shilohwentworth Festival Fever

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charleslecfan Stoppppp she went with Charles and some of his friends 🥲

ezraliajulesking So not jelly of u rn
^~>shilohwentworth Baby come with us next time!


"You good trouble?" Charles laughed as Shiloh was laying underneath him between his legs "Smile" he said as he took his phone out to take a picture.

Putting his phone back into his pocket, Charles smiled and shook his head then grabbed her hands to pull her up. Over the past month the pair had been spending a considerable amount of time together. "Lovey help me" Shiloh whined with a smile on her face as she tried to get the dust off her back, Charles quickly helped get the dust off her back then tucked her under his arm as the taxi was here to take them back to the hotel.

Your forever girl [Charles Leclerc] Where stories live. Discover now