Chapter 30: Unexpected Event

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A/N: haiii~!!! Uhm..I dunno what to say..ahahaha XD..well i hope you enjoy another chapterr~~~
•Your POV•

"H-Hey! Let go!" I struggled to get out of the grip from that person.

"Guess who~?" A very very VERY familiar voice asked.

"Bobby oppa!" I said as I removed the pair of hands that were covering my eyes and turned around.

"BINGO~! So how was the one night getaway?" Bobby oppa flashed me a smile.

"One night getaway? Oh! That..well..I stayed at Jacki's mansion.." I looked downward.

"WHAT?! No wonder Hanbin was so-- Oh! I mean, good! Good for you!" He scratched the back of his neck.

Does he know why Hanbin was angry at me?

"Ah! Bobby oppa, do you know why--" He cut me off before I could finish asking.

"Oh yeah! Hae Ri-ah~ Remember the help we were asking for in the note~ You recieves the note right?" He asked as he flashed his eyesmile.

"Mhm, the one posted on the mirror?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah! That one! We need your help because Chanwoo agreed to help the community service.." He frowned.

"So? It can help the community. Isn't it the right thing to do?." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ah, well yeah, you're right, it would be great that we could help, but we have to practice for the final match, it's tomorrow." He clicked his tongue.

I snapped my fingers.

"Oh yeah! So what do you want me to do oppa?" I smiled happily at him as I cock my head to one side.

"Can you fill in for Chanwoo? There's litter everywhere in the park, would you mind picking it up?" He asked.

"Hmm, sure! That's all?" I put hands onto my hips.

"Yep! Well good luck!" Bobby oppa patted my head and gave me a black plastic bag before running off.

I sighed to myself as I scanned the surrondings of the park.

People are so careless about the enviroment today..

I started picking up litters from crushed soda cans to torned up paper bags.

There were litters everywhere! And I meant everywhere! Even on top on trees!

I panted as I leaned my body on a trunk of a tree.

So tired...

I finally saw the last litter, it was near a big tree.

I smiled happily, and ran to the last litter.

"Aha! I got you! I'm finally finish!" I jump around in happiness, until I saw a familiar figure emerged from behind the big tree.

"H-Hanbin?! What are you doing here?" I asked him as I hid the plastic bag behind my back.

"Well," he took a deep breath before continuing his sentence.

"I came to apologize.." He frowned as he hung his head down.

"Apologize? Oh..." I followed, hanging my head down with him.

He let out a loud exhale to get my attention.

He revealed a purple flower behind his back. (Refer to the picture above)

"This is a purple hyacinth.." He said as he looked at the flower with delight.

『 NEVER FORGET ME 』 ⇢ B.I / Kim HanbinWhere stories live. Discover now