Chapter 2

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Leonardo and Goku charge at each other, each vying to make the first move and get on the offensive, with Goku getting the right to be on the offensive first. With his trusty power pole, Goku kept Leonardo on his toes and at bay. But Leonardo's ninjutsu training and discipline helped him dodge or block Goku's attacks, patiently waiting for the opportunity to strike. Even though it helped that one of his brothers, particularly Donatello also wielded a weapon of long reach, the Bo staff, he knew that every fighter fights differently with each weapon. Although many of the fundamentals were the same, it was the creativity that a fighter created that makes them formidable opponents. As he kept on the defensive, he knew it would be better for him to stay patient until he found a true opening.

Goku strikes with his staff once again, but attempts to catch the ninja turtle off guard with a straight-on palm to his face, with the palm barely missing.

"It looks like Goku's starting to overwhelm the guy. Sooner or later he's gonna break through those defenses." Bulma said, confidently.

"You couldn't be more wrong Bulma." Master Roshi said, carefully observing the two in their battle.

"Huh? What do you mean? Leonardo hasn't even thrown out a single attack yet." Bulma said.

"You're right about that. But...." Master Roshi paused as Goku threw out more attacks. "Take a look at Leonardo." He said.

Bulma did as Roshi said and focused more of her attention on Leonardo. He kept on the defensive consistently, until Goku attacked again with the power pole. Leonardo then attempted to counter back with a forward elbow strike with his right arm. It missed. The counterattack was slightly off in distance.

"Leonardo's face during Goku's offensive wasn't the face of a warrior who was afraid or desperate. He was still calm." Master Roshi said, sunglasses glistening in the sunlight. "Even when Goku got to the offensive first, he never panicked. That's because he wanted to get a feel for how Goku would attack." He said.

"Wow, that was close!" Goku said. "This is starting to be really fun now!"

"Yeah, but Goku's got more tricks up his sleeve. He's not done yet." Yamcha said, responding to Roshi.

"I'm sure he knows that too." Roshi said, never changing the tone in his voice.

"If my suspicions are correct. He's going to wait until Goku makes a mistake. That is when he'll pounce." Roshi thought.

"Haa!" Goku said, charging with his staff in hand before using it to vault a flying kick towards Leonardo. It missed, but Goku was able to recover, perform several flips in a ball-like position and then land on his feet perfectly.

"Ten out of ten landing dude." Michelangelo said, giving a thumbs up.

Goku laughs. "Thanks!"

"Ready to continue Goku?" Leonardo asked.

Goku nodded. Both fighters went towards one another, with Leonardo being slower again, allowing Goku to get on to the offensive yet again.

"I hope Goku starts to figure out what Leonardo's doing. If not, this fight won't last long." Roshi thought. "But knowing Goku, he probably will. He may not be bright in many things. But he's an incredible warrior. His mind when it comes to fighting is great. If I didn't believe that Goku couldn't be something special I would have never agreed or have been so committed to training him or Krillin." Roshi thought, eyeing his pupil.

During the assault, Goku decided to launch one of the attacks used against Jackie Chun. "Here we go! Rock!" Goku throws a fist attack. "Scissors!" He throws another attack with his two fingers in an attempt to hit his eyes. "Paper!" He tries the same palm attack from before. All of them were either blocked or dodged.

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