Chapter 3

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At the restaurant they were in, the Turtles and Goku were all enjoying pizza. Although Goku had eaten more pizza than all of the turtles combined.

"This kid's got a black hole of a stomach." Raphael commented.

"You stay around him long enough, you get used to it." Bulma said.

As they walked outside, the newcomers asked the turtles about the city that never sleeps.

"So, where exactly are we? This for sure doesn't look like our Earth." Oolong said, as he took a look at some of the people. One of them was walking a dog, another held a boombox in their hand.

"New York!" Donatello said.

"The city that never sleeps! The Big Apple!" Michelangelo said.

"Why do they call it the city that never sleeps?" Goku asked.

"There's never a time when this place's not busy!" Leonardo said.

"Subways never close, a bunch of places stay open. I could go on." Michelangelo said.

"So we could get something to eat any time we want? Sounds great!" Goku said.

"Of course, in a big and busy city like this, there's bound to be trouble." Leonardo said.

"And the biggest troublemaker of them all is old Chrome Dome himself." Raphael said.

"The Shredder. He leads an evil ninjutsu clan called 'The Foot Clan.'" Leonardo said.

"The Shredder? Sounds like a pretty menacing name." Puar said.

"Yeah, if you want to name yourself after a kitchen utensil." Bulma said.

"Believe it or not, he doesn't cause us much trouble. So it's not him you have to really worry about." Leonardo added. "It's-"

The Technodrome

"Krang!" Shredder called out.

"Krang!" Shredder called out again. "Where the devil is he?" He said to himself.

"Krang!" He called out a third time.

"What! What! What do you want!?" Krang said, walking in the room that Shredder was in, clearly annoyed that the Foot leader was constantly yelling for him.

"I need another weapon to get rid of those turtles!" Shredder said.

"I've-*croak* told you this several times. These inventions take *croak* time! And you talking to me right now is wasting time!" Krang said.

"Well I'm tired of waiting! Give me something now!" Shredder demanded.

Krang tosses him something. "Here! Now take this and leave me alone!" Krang said.

Shredder, caught off guard catches the small cube at the last second before it hits the ground, juggling it.

"What does it do?" Shredder asked.

"I don't know, evil genius. Figure it out for *croak* yourself!" Krang said before leaving the room.

Shredder looks at the small cube. "What am I supposed to do with this?" He said, putting his right hand on his helmet, confused.

He shakes it, only for nothing to happen. He raps it lightly with his fist, putting it close to his ear to see if he hears anything inside of it. Still nothing.

"Krang! Get in here and tell me how to work this thing!" Shredder called out. No response.

"Maybe its something to enhance my armor or a weapon." He said, putting it on his gauntlets. Still nothing.

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