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AS THE BARTENDER lead you to where the auction will be held. You clearly saw how tight the security is. There's at least 5 security in the outside. By the looks of it they are all experience fighters.

'Let's start'

The bartender walk about ten steps ahead of you. You pretended to trip and the two males caught both of your elbow. In your both hand there is a powder of poison on it. You sprinkled it to the air as you stand up and pretended to pat the shoulders of the both security.

'Even if it's only the two of them has a poison as long as the other three was near them and sniff the air with poison they will surely be absorbed by them and poison them' You thought.

That poison was like a dust but of course for a naked eye they couldn't be spotted. The poison will eventually vanished after 5 minutes. The poison will surely have been absorbed by the other three before it vanished.

The effect of the poison will only shown after an hour. So you need to execute your whole plan before that since there is high surveillance here.

You walk through the door as the bartender open it for you. You walk inside and thank the bartender. He smiles and said goodbye and have a great night.

'I'll surely have a great night'

You walk where the seat near the door was. For all you see. The people that were invited here was 50 at most but you only saw 30 people invited. You needed to wait for the other 20 people to walk inside so you could lock the door and no one will escape.

The people that will be auction more like slaves was on the back so if you gone wild while killing all of the people that present on the auction they wouldn't caught up.


After 20 people walks in. You slowly get up on your seat. Someone was at the door. Lucky for you, you knew that person. After the same bartender walks out after leading the last person here. You approach him and begun to talk.

(Pretend that the following conversation was in chinese)

"Hello Mister Chua, it was nice to meet you" You greeted him.

He's eyes was now on you. As for his profile, he really doesn't need to know who's the person who he is talking with as long as it is a woman. He's a big pervert after all and he is the person who look forward the slaves auction the most.

"Why hello there, pretty lady" He said.

You cling your left arm on his arm while pressing your breast on him. Your right hand was slowly going at the back of you two as you lock the door and put a block on it so even if it's unlocked it wouldn't be opened easily.

"I heard that your business was going well this past few months Mister Chua. How admiring" You said.

"Hahaha, yes it does. Why? Does a girl like you was interested on this type of business or... Would you like to do other business with me hm?" He said.

As he spoke the last sentences, you look at his face. He's eyes was burning with lust. His left arm that you were clinging on earlier was now travelling to you waist down to your ass.

"Sure Mister Chua" You agreed.

He giggled at your response as you acted like you really wanted to do IT with him.

"Then I'll see you after the auction" He said.

As he wave at you and turned his back you were waving back with a small smile can be seen on your face. After his figure was cannot be seen as he blend with people, the waving hand suddenly turned into a middle finger.

'I'll make sure that you would be the one to die first.'

You smirk. You slowly walk towards the comfort room and fix your make up. You were here for almost 15 minutes now. You then started to execute your plan.

Opened all the comfort room checking if there are people inside. When you check that no one else is with you. Your high senses begun to activate, making sure if there's a person will enter. Luckily the auction was about to start so there are no people will enter here for a while.

You quickly open the ceiling. You already planned it earlier. You used a machine that will carry your two guns using the narrow ceiling. You took it out and prepared it.

You had six magazine if ever you're out of range. You put a silencer on your both guns so the other outside wouldn't hear it.

There's also security cameras all over. So you're planning to make a short radio wave to put the cctv's temporarily having a short circuit. You hack into the security room and record everything that happening inside the auction. After you recorded it you apply the radio wave that will affect the cctv's and after tuning back on, you replace the video on the security room with a fake one.

After successfully doing it. You came out of the comfort room. You positions yourself somewhere hidden and somewhere so you could see all of the people in the auction.

'All hell break lose' You said.

Now you start firing your gun toward the direction of Mister Chua after that you start firing it to the security  guards.

The whole auction room was in panic, some were trying to open the door but they failed. You start firing your guns towards them after finishing the security guards.

Some people were looking around trying to find where you were but they failed. As time goes by the people narrowed into six people including Felix Morgan.

You fired the other five people before you came out where you were hiding. You pointed your gone into him. He was shaking like a baby.

"P-please d-don't kill me. I g-give you a-anything you w-want." He stutters.

"Anything i want?"

"Y-yes! A-anything! I'll g-give you m-money. Just let m-me live!" He said.

"Well too bad, i have LOT'S of money" You said.

"I-i give y-you w-what ever you r-requested!" He said.

"Really? There is one that you could give me tho" You said. He smirk like a victorious person and begun to be confident.

"State what you want and i give it to you" He said smiling like an asshole.

"Then... I want your life" You said.

He then again begun to tremble. His hope was gone. But then he smirks again. Your eyes widened knowing someone was behind you. The gun fires and in hit on your left shoulders. You fired your last bullet on him and it hits his forehead.

You turned into Felix who's now trembling in fear after killing his one hope. You walk towards him and knocked him out. You tied him on the chair where the stage is... The police will arrive here any minute now.

You walk towards the door. You saw the five security that guarding the entrance laying on the ground with a hint of struggles.

'You need to go home'

After coming out from the auction the whole cruise was in the entire chaos. The police are here. A medic come at you insisting of treating your wound but you decline.

You hated it when someone was cleaning your wound for you. The medic stop pestering you. The police gave you things and gave their one boat for you to rides on.

'Ha, i want chicken...'

To be continued....

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