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(This is the picture I drew, this is what Josie actually looks like)

Twilight's POV

No matter how hard I knocked I couldn't get anybody to open the door. So I thought that since I couldn't leave Canterlot I could teleport somewhere in Canterlot. Suddenly I teleported into a dark room. To my senses and magic on haywire, I could tell I was underground and not alone. I quickly turned on the nearest light switch I could find. But before I did I heard someone talking.

"Hello? Who's there? Speak now or I will use my magic!"

I knew that voice, it was my good friend Josie Tail.

"Josie it's me Twilight Sparkle!"

"Twilight?" I saw her coming in the room I was in. I ran up and hugged her. She gave me a look of confusion, so after an hour of explaining she understood.

"Luna's here too," Josie said. I was excited about that as well. Having a princess on my side is pretty good.

"Why are the guards after you?" She explained everything, and I was shocked. She had such a ruff history, but all I want her to do is to explain what Josie was going to do if me and Luna got her out of here. She said it was her doing the right thing. But I don't care we're all going to bed right now and figure it out tomorrow.

Celestia's POV

I can't believe my sister would do that, why the nerve of that girl. But I was harsh as well, it's just Josie Tail has done the unthinkable. Although she was only a filly. Why when I was a filly I was powerful like that, but I could control my abilities. Twilight couldn't control her abilities when she applied for my school. So maybe she is innocent, you know what I could not be thinking such a thing. That Josie must be eliminated, but I do hate putting Twilight in the middle of this. I think I might let her go and let her become my student again. I see all of my childhood photos as I walk down the hall to where Twilight was put. I open the door and complete horror comes to my face. Twilight's gone, where could she have gone?


Josie's POV

It was early morning and I still see my two companions asleep. I am so glad I have two friends supporting me through this situation. They don't even know what I am about to do, yet they trust me. I have known Luna a long time, so I understand why she trusts me. But Twilight, I have only known her for not even two days and she truly trusts me. I think I will make them a nice breakfast. Luna and Twilight woke up smelling something delicious. I was in the kitchen holding napkins and forks with my magic. My eyes were orange with excitement. I was setting the table when I look back on what I made for them. I made them danish, pancakes, eggs, and orange juice. I used my magic for part of it but other than that it's all me. I notice Luna, and Twilight jaws dropped in the door way. I smile, but soon that quickly fades knowing nothing's changed. My eyes changing to gray and blue because I was confused but sad.
(Josie's eyes change color based on emotion right? Well she can have two emotions at the same time but one color in each eye.)

I saw that they were noticing something was up so I put all my emotions aside. Plus I have to keep calm or else that beast deep down will come out, and it will not be good.

Omniscient POV
(In case your wondering omniscient means everyone's point of view)

Luna suddenly jerked up,

"I got it! Celestia's spell only works for two days. So if we wait a couple more hours I can open a portal to your home world but you'll have to jump in quickly."

"Wait but if Celestia's spell works for two days then why do we have a couple of hours?" Twilight asked.

"Well for one only one person can go through so it has to be Josie and her alone. Second I am as strong as my sister there are some times when her magic is weak, that's why I can open a portal."

"But how will I get back to help you two?" Josie asked.

"Well you only have three hours to say your last goodbyes to your family I guess. Then I can open a portal again." Josie nodded her head. Luna could tell she was satisfied.

"Well I'll go get ready I guess. Twilight do you want to help me?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." Twilight trotted over to Josie. The two mares went to get Josie's stuff together.

Luna had rested for a couple of hours to save her energy for the big event. Once she called the two girls, she opened the portal.

"Are you ready Josie? There's no going back."

"I'm sure Luna, I have to say goodbye to my folks before I do something rash." Luna nodded and opened the portal. Josie sighed and then jumped in, she will never again be able to be left alone. Josie saw Celestia's guards at the town's house. She quickly teleported home, and was glad to see her family safe. Ally was the first to notice Josie.

"Big sister! Its so nice to see you!" Megan looked over and saw her daughter.

"Josie? What are you doing home so early?"

"I need to tell you guys something important. Like now!" Josie used her magic and dragged her family to the basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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