The beginning of Josie

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(The cover and picture on top are not my oc pics but it is very similar to this, hint why I chose this picture thank you)

"But why father!?" Josie asked.

"Because sweetie, ponies are getting suspicious of you. That's why you must leave, also you could make friends." John replied. John, the father, was a light brown unicorn, he had short dark curly hair, and he was sort of a nerd.

"Oh John I can't believe that our little girl just has to leave. I love her to much, I would die than have her leave!" Megan cried. Now Megan, the mother, was a a dark red Pegasus, she had long straight black hair, and she was the prettiest and sportiest mare.

"I'll miss you sissy!" Ally the young filly yelled. Ally, the youngest sister, was a sky blue unicorn, she had long curly hair, and she liked everything that came across her. Last but not least there is Josie, the eldest, she was a dark purple alicorn, the tips of her wing were jet black, she had semi straight/curly hair, she was like her sister she liked everything. But what made her different wasn't being an alicorn, it was she was from the moon like princess Luna. When Luna was trapped on the moon Josie was there too except she hid because she was scared of Luna. Eventually she gathered up strength she started talking to Luna. They became best friends, but she made Luna promise not to tell anyone of her existence.

"But why you are the most sweetest unicorn I've ever met, you are the only one who understands my night." Luna asked.

"Well like you I was banished, you by your sister and me by my mother. You see she had no choice, when I was born I have always been addicted to night. I would only stay awake at night, I guess you could say I was a vampire. One day I decided to prove myself worthy of your beautiful night and you yourself. Eventually I became the most powerful unicorn in my home town. Too powerful, I destroyed everything. There were few survivors, the few remaining decided to build a new town but I was banished from it my mother was forced to send me somewhere where there was no life so I would hurt no one else. As my mother cast the spell she mouthed the words 'I'm sorry and I love you' then I came here. The point is I don't want people knowing I exist and to come looking for me. I don't want to hurt anyone but I just want to be loved again." Josie started crying her eyes changing colors from amethyst to blue. (Josie's eyes change color based upon moods her main color meaning when she has no emotion is amethyst.) Luna pulled Josie in for a hug. The day came when it was time for Luna to go home. But when the portal came it sucked Josie in as well. But Josie wasn't sent to Canterlot or Ponyville, she was sent to her old home town but the people who were there were long gone. Yet for Josie she hasn't aged since the day she left.

Back to present.....

"Guys I promise i will talk or visit when I can."

"Big sister?"

"Yes Ally?"

"Can you tell me the story on how you became an alicorn again please?"

"Sure, well it started when I came back here. I was just a filly and that's when I saw mom and dad, they took me in and made me grow strong and healthy like mom, but also very smart and wise like dad. They helped me control my magic. I was outside playing when dad called me, he said since I was so smart and strong that he would experiment and try to see if I could become an alicorn. It took five painful years but finally dad was able to give me permanent wings. I used my magic to change the colors of the tip of my wings to black. That's how I became an alicorn." Ally was fascinated on alicorns but she never wanted to be one. She was one odd pony.

Awhile later Josie has gathered the last of her things and was ready to be off.

"Now honey what is your mode of transportation? Is it flying, teleportation, or a carriage ride?" Megan asked.

"Mom I think I will fly, because I want to see all of the things on the way. The only places I've ever been at is here and the moon. You know I am fifteen going on sixteen in a couple of months."

"You will visit on you birthday right big sister?" Ally asked.

"Of course! I will see you guys soon bye, love you!" And Josie was off. She was finally free and was going to make friends but she didn't want to leave at this early age, but she had to look brave for her little sister.

It was a week later and she finally arrived to Ponyville. She was so excited. She wanted to see everything, as if she saw enough on her sight seeing trip. But first things first, she had to find a place to live. She saw a light brown/tanish pony wearing some sort of necktie. She seemed like more of a monarchy here. Josie flew down into an ally and folded her wings up. She started walking and tapped the mare on the shoulder.

"Ye... Oh my Celestia your an alicorn?! Are you new here miss...?"

"Miss Josie Tail, and yes I was wondering if you could show me a house I could live in?"

"I'm the mayor, and would you mind having a roommate?"

"No why?"

"Well we have another alicorn her name is Twilight Sparkle, I was thinking that since your both alicorns that she could show you around and you could stay with her and meet her friends."

"That sounds quite nice thank you so much."

Two hours later the mares arrive at a tree. Josie thought this was a pretty home. She liked how it connects to nature. Josie loved nature and animals. She hopes there is another pony who loves the outdoors as much as her. The smaller mare knocked on the door while they waited she asked Josie a question.

"How old are you dear?"

"15, why?"

"You just seem a bit tall for your age that's all." The mayor blushed a little at her own humor. Right then a purple alicorn opens the door, Josie was surprised that Twilight had a star as her cutie mark. Josie wished she had a cutie mark. Josie hadnt found her talent just yet and she was already FIFTEEN!!

"Hello my name is Twilight Sparrrr... Sweet Celestia your an alicorn also?!"

"My words exactly Twilight. Anyways this is Josie Tail she is not from around here so I thought she could stay with you and meet your friends."

"Okay hello its nice to meet you."

"Can you help me find my cutie mark?"
"What was that I couldn't hear you?"

"Can you help me find my cutie mark?" Josie showed Twilight her blank flank.

"Sure I would love to help, come on in and we will meet spike and I'll show you my friends and when we get back home well go through my library and see what we can do."

"Thank you so much Twilight, bye mayor thank you for your help today!" Then the two alicorns walked in and Josie shut the door behind her.

"Spike! Can you come down please I have a new guest I'd like you to meet." Spike, a purple baby dragon hopped down the steps. He had small dull green spiked running from his head down to his tail which came to a pointed arrow. He had a green belly. And Josie just loved him. She ran up to him and hugged him until he couldn't breathe.

"Whoa your an alicorn, cool."

"And your the cutest little dragon I've ever seen!"

"Aww thanks." Josie put spiked down as Twilight was showing her to her room. Twilight made a spare room using her magic.

"You are very powerful but so am I can I show you?"

"Of course show me what you got sister!" Twilight smirked there was no way an alicorn such as Josie could possibly surpass Twilight. But when she looked she saw golden furniture and the fanciest food only the princesses eat. Twilight's jaw dropped, but Josie used her magic to shut it.

"Oh jeez I did it again I was showing off I hate doing that, I'm sorry I'll make it up to you, after you show me your friends right?" Josie put regular furniture and made the food disappear. The two mares left to me the rest of the Mane 6.

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