Chapter 1 (Reputation)

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Here is the basic rundown of my life. My dad has a major part of the alumni which is the only reason I'm going to Eden hall. My mom is a very popular and well known volleyball player. Everyone knows her and loves her. My sister tries to be like her but is a complete bitch in the process. My sisters name is Mackenzie and I have a brother Leo. Leo is nice Mackenzie isn't.
Rick Riley is captain of the varsity team. He has a huge crush on me but doesn't talk about it. There is this rule where the varsity hockey team can mess with the ducks but not me. There was only one person that kept their spot and that was me. I don't know it yet but you'll get to that point. Just read and experience this.

I woke up at 6:30 since my school is pretty close by. I took a shower and blow dryed my hair, I decided to curl it since it was the first day and I didn't want to look absolutely that shitty. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. My dad was getting ready in his bedroom so I made sure I had all the things I needed. We were out of the house quickly after that, I never eat breakfast. It was never really a problem to me. We drove to school and I wasn't excited at all.

My friend Kirra waited at the front for me. The second I stepped out of my car people were looking  and asking me where my brother and sister were. They are a real big deal around here. I had the expectation that I'd be sweet and nice like my mom  was and too be fair I was nice mostly but I had lots of sass and sarcasm mixed with attitude. I knew how to defend  myself  if I needed too. My best friend kirra could do the same which is why we are best friends. She was shy but man she could say some stuff.

Kirra and I were walking around campus when all the sudden she spoke up. "Did you hear about the new duck hockey team" she said
"Uh what there's no new teams there is just JV and varsity"I started
"Guess not anymore. I heard that one person got to keep their spot in the team though. I suppose that's you" she stated with shock in the own words that were coming from her mouth.
"I guess I'll find out after school"

We walked around some more when we overheard somebody talking about ducks hockey. I noticed then from the junior goodwill games so I know they were apart of the new team. Before I could say anything to them the bell rang for first period.

First period English. Although we had an assembly for the first day. Rick found me In the hallways when we were heading down too the gym. "Hello darling" he said as his arm slid right to my waist. "Hi Rick" I scoffed in slight annoyance. "Oh you love me don't pretend you don't" he said. I took his arm off my waist, I always hated when he does that. "Hold my arm, I don't want you getting lost in a crowd like this. High school sucks and you will get shoved left and right." He stated. I listened because I had no other choice. He was right, high school is brutal and if I strayed away from varsity for a second I would be shoved to the lockers. So I grabbed his arm and we found our seats in the gym.

We were all just sitting around listening to the traditions and everything until I realized who was in front of us. Supposedly Rick did too and starting talking to them. "You don't belong here" is what he said to start it. I was trying to ignore it but I felt bad for the new ducks, I didn't want to give them the wrong idea. "Rick stop it. Just give it up" I said with a certain tone that would tell him not to test me. Even though That's what he did anyway. "Shut up lane and stay out of this". I wanted to punch him in the face but I realized that would be dramatic so I didn't. I just sat there rolling my eyes at him.
The partial team in front of us turned to talk to me after Rick moved seats. At this point he was so annoyed. "Sorry bout that y'all. He is a bit much sometimes" I said in an apologetic tone. "It's alright it wasn't your fault my names Julie" the girl replied with. "Oh my names Madison but I go by Maddie".
"Nice to meet you" she said
"Same here".
We turned back to the assembly since we were already distracted enough. I was focusing on the speech when there was rustling behind the curtain. It Crashed to the ground revealing a boy with a duck jersey and some more people behind him. I couldn't take my eyes off a certain boy in the back. He had blonde curly hair and had the most adorable blush of nervousness on his face. "Hi. We're the ducks" the boy in the green jersey stated.

Hey please read!!!! So this Story is inspired by Princess a Charlie Conaway fanfic the author is JUPITRS. Please go read their story then come back here but I wanted to make sure that you know where this idea came from. I just wanted my story to be with Guy instead of Charlie so I made it on my own. So yes credits to JUPITRS.

Hey. So this is the first chapter kinda short but I'm just starting so leave comments and things I could do better. I'll also take recommendations and give you credit so yea love y'all

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