Chapter 5 ({yes im fine})

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Guy Germaine~

A couple days had passed and school has been not too bad, especially since I have Madison. She is the life of the party and has the best laugh I have ever heard, I never get tired of it.
We all get along really well on the hockey team even though Maddie can be kinda overly competitive at times. Even just scrimmages are harsh. She checks us left and right, saying she is "going easy on us," I want to know what happens when she is doing it full strength.

"Hey um don't wait up for me Guy I have something I gotta do before class." She said trying to keep her tone cheerful but annoyance seeped through.
"Well I can stay with you. After all I don't have many other things I need to do," I said with a grin
"That's alright this is more personal," she said. I know it was bullshit though because I heard that she has cafeteria cleanup. She didn't seem to want anybody to know but everyone was gone so I asked her.
"What you got cafeteria cleanup or something? Detention?"
"I don't get detention Germaine or cafeteria cleanup, I told you serious business." She sternly and defensively stated and went to somewhere I'll never know.

The bell rang for last class and I made it look like I walked to class but turned around and waited in the bathroom for about 5 minutes. I soon made my way to the cafeteria. As expected the person in the corner was Maddie, sweeping up other peoples messes with nobody's watching her to make sure she did it.
"You don't get detention huh?" I asked in a sarcastic way. I thought it was funny but she just rolled her eyes saying "what do you want Guy."
"I'm wondering what your doing. Your not doing volunteer work that's for sure."
"Fine I got stuck on Cafeteria cleanup alright," she stated
"Well no shit Sherlock. Why?"
"Hell if I know. Shouldn't you be in class?"
"I'm skipping" I said in response
She gave me a dumb founded look
"Worst case scenario I have cafeteria cleanup with you." I said with a wink.
"I only have it for 23 more minutes"
"I thought you had it for the rest of the week"
"No...were you listening to my conversation earlier in the week in Mrs Bohn's class!?"
"Yes but the bell ring and I got to class early. I tried to ignore it but how am I supposed to," I replied.
"Whatever just leave me alone to do this shit of a job"
"If that's what you want darling"
I said before leaving. She just stared at me walking away, I could feel her eyes on me.

I went to class and had an interesting talk with the teacher.
"Hey Mrs. Bohn"
"Yes what is it Guy?" She questioned.
"Well I saw Maddie making out with somebody on Cafeteria cleanup. She went back to the job but then she started to run through the halls." I said in the most suck up voice I could.
"That girl is in a lot of trouble" she finished saying before Maddie walked in shortly after.

They were talking in the hall but Maddie was yelling. That's when they walked back in acting like nothing happened. I could feel the tension between them. The teacher really hates Maddie.

I started a conversation with Goldberg "Hey Goldberg Can I tell you something. And whatever you do you can't tell Maddie,"
"I mean I suppose... what is it" he responded uneasy.
"So Maddie has cafeteria cleanup and I might have just told the teacher some bullshit excuse to get her in detention for a couple more days." I said closing my eyes and speeding through my words embarrassed by what I was saying.
"WHY WOULD Y-" he started to yell before I covered his mouth.
"Shut up bro. I only did it so I could spend more time with her"
"I don't get it," he stated.
"I'm going to get the same detention and then we hangout together,"
"You do you bro," Goldberg said before walking away to a different table.

I was running through the hallways trashing them to get detention but when I was running I rammed into somebody and they crashed to the floor. "Ow shit. Watch where your going Asshat!" A women said
"Don't be in the way next ti-" I looked down and it was Maddie. I suppose that was the realization moment for her too.
"You really like bumping into me don't you," she said with a slight grin growing on her lips.
"Im beginning to not mind it as much." I said with a smirk
I helped her up off the ground. I felt bad because I think I hurt her.
"Are you ok?" I asked because she Let out a grunt when I started to lift her.
"Yes I'm fine"
I was about to speak again, except when I opened my mouth a teacher spoke from behind us. "Guy Germaine! detention all week, Madison, two days of CC." The teacher had known us because we were kinda disruptive during his class.
She was laughing but I had a confused look on why she didn't get the same thing as me.
"You look a little confused there Germaine," she said in a cocky voice.
"How did you-? What did-? What?" I asked clearly oblivious to what was going on.
"I told you Germaine hardly any detention." She said smugly finishing our conversation with 5 words.
"I'll tell you in CC"
After that she walked away. With the same Strut as always.

I started my walk back to class trying to figure out what I just experienced but somebody decided to talk to me.
"Hey you!" the strange dude said
"Who are you?" I stated blankly
"Rick Riley. I'm on Varsity, hockey of course, and I am very good friends with Maddie... you know the girl you bumped into a minute a go." Rick stated.
"Oh it happens a lot we just bump into each other. I didn't mean anything by it." I replied trying to figure out why he was talking to me like this, I mean I understand his concern but he seemed like he had a problem with me.
"Better not be any meaning behind it" Rick threatened as he walked away.

I've had quite the eventful day.

A/n: hey y'all so kinda short chapter. I'm going to try to make them longer but I'm so sorry. I am kinda just writing whatever goes on in my brain, improv if you want to call it that.

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