Chapter 1

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Hey! welcome to daddy peter!
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The shrill bell screamed through the classroom causing you to jump out of your daydream. Maths was not your strong suit and you couldn't help but zone out. It was the last period before lunch and your mind was elsewhere today.

"Daydreaming again," Ned teased, packing his bag up.

You rolled your eyes, having to drag yourself up and out of your desk. The energy and patience was just not there today. Last night consisted of little sleep. It was senior year; Exams, college applications, and trying to keep your mind off your deteriorating mental health.

"Woah. Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed last night," MJ chimed in, playfully leaning into your side as you all strolled into the hallway.

Taking in a deep breath, you sighed, adjusting your backpack, "More like didn't sleep."

"Studying, again? Y/N, you need a break. All you've been doing for the last three months- no, last two years- is stressing over your gpa and extracurriculars. You've got near straight A's," She continued, following Ned's suit as they leaned against the lockers next to yours.

You swapped some books for next period and grabbed the paper bag lunch, staying quiet as they pounded you. They would never understand.

"If I don't get into MIT my parents will quite literally kick me out. I can't let my focus slip. I'm already at a B- in maths."

Ned shrugged, sending a worried glance to MJ. "Why don't you ask Peter for help? You know he geeks over that kind of stuff."

Shutting the locker door, you began to walk in the opposite direction towards the lunch hall. "Peter geeks over everything, Ned. Besides, he's so busy now a days anyway. He's already never here anymore- like today. This is what? The third time in two weeks? I'm surprised May hasn't confined him to school and the apartment."

Your paper bag crinkled as you dropped it on the lunch table. MJ, Ned, Peter, and yourself, always sat in the same place. Eighth table down, right next to the window in the back corner. Most of the cleaning supplies were back here and it was more secluded than the rest of the cafeteria. This was your spot, everyday since freshman year.

"He's probably at the Stark Internship again. You know, I heard Mr. Harrington say Tony Stark himself called the principal and got Peter excused basically whenever they needed him. His grades are fine and Mr. Harrington said that colleges will be so impressed with the internship it wouldn't matter," You listened to Ned's words, catching his worried eyes at the end.

Guilt ran through you as you felt your heart ache just a little at the idea of Peter being gone all the time. You should feel happy for him. This is an incredible opportunity and he's really good at it.

"Hey, you okay," MJ chimed in, taking a break from her sandwich.

You looked up, both Ned and MJ were staring right at you. "U-uh, yeah. Just really tired," You sent a forced smile, picking at the food in front of you.

"So, listen, I'm trying to convince Mr. Harrington to take the team to Boston next. They have a century old museum there and if you can get in restricted areas, there's still skeletons there."

You chuckled as MJ spoke enthusiastically with Ned. Looking down at your food, you found yourself zoning out once more. The stress of the day was getting to you and all you could think about was going home and curling in bed. Maybe a nice bath. You missed the comforting feeling of your blanket and bear. You've had the items for years; things you just decided to latch onto for whatever reason. Recently, you've found that snuggling under the blankets with Blue- your bear- was a good way to relax for a moment. Sometimes a bath worked too. Your older sister, who was now moved out of the house, had found a rubber duck and gave it too you as an inside joke. You knew it seemed childish, but you couldn't help but find yourself sticking him in the tub with you on some nights. These were some of the things you were scared about. If anyone found out- they'd think you were a little. You couldn't let anyone even get the idea you were. Your parents were against ageplay. So was most of Queens. You couldn't imagine the things that would follow if people started to believe you participated. Ned, MJ, Peter,... they would all stop talking to you. They were the most important people in your life. There was one time in 10th grade, one boy, Isaac, was exposed for being a little. Everyone teased him and he eventually switched schools. That sounded horrifying. That's why you tried so hard to push those feelings away. That couldn't happen to you...

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