Chapter 2

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"Thanks again, Peter. You really didn't have to buy me a doughnut," You thanked, giggling when you looked up and saw he had a spot of chocolate icing on his nose.

His eyebrows furrowed, "Uh, you're welcome. But what's so funny," He questioned, fidgeting in his seat.

You pointed to your nose, watching as his eyes widened slightly and he quickly wiped at his face. When he saw the chocolate icing on the back of his hand, a soft pink rose to his cheeks. You laughed again, taking the last bite of your doughnut. You honestly couldn't believe the two of you had actually left school. It's something you had never done before. It had been a good distraction though. You felt a little bit better.

Peter's phone started ringing, interrupting the two of you as you chatted. He pulled his phone out, checking the name and then shoving it back into his jacket.

"Do you need to take that," You asked, taking a sip of your drink.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm busy," Peter sent you a warming smile, now making your cheeks the one to blush.

"How's the Stark Internship going? They seem to have you over there all the time."

"It's good. Really good. But, yeah, sometimes it's hard to balance everything. I think they forget I'm just a teenager sometimes and I still have school,... I think I forget sometimes too," He admitted, leaning back into his chair.

"Peter, I know this is really important to you. And it's an incredible opportunity. But don't run yourself dry. You need to take care of you too," You reminded him, watching as he looked in the distance.

Peter crossed his arms, glancing over at you as you listened intently. "I know. They're just relying on me. When they call- it's just. It means it's serious and they need my help."

"For an internship? That sounds more like an on-call surgeon, Pete. Not someone who's there to-," Cutting you off, Peter's phone rang again. He sighed in annoyance, mumbling a 'sorry' as he checked the screen.

Surprising you, he ignored the call, but instead of shoving it back in his pocket, he threw it in his backpack instead.

"Is everything alright? Seems like someone's trying to get a hold of you. I don't mind if you take the call," You reassured him.

"I just don't feel like answering right now. I know if I do, I'll have to go and I just want to be me for a couple hours," He rambled, getting quieter at the of his sentence.

The two of you stood together, throwing away your trash as you resumed walking the streets of Queens. The spring breeze kept you cool as you strolled. You couldn't remember the last time you just walked around the city. There was always something that needed done.

"I understand wanting to be just you. It's hard when you can't talk to anyone about it," You admitted, knowing there was something Peter wasn't telling you. He smiled at you, watching as you continued to speak, "You can always be yourself around me."

"Thanks Y/N. You always seem to know what to say and when to say it," He chuckled, shoving his hands into his jacket. His eyes watched his steps as he took a deep breath. "What can't you talk about," He followed up, catching you off guard.

"H-huh," You retorted, stumbling over your words at the question. "You said you understand wanting to be yourself. Why can't you be yourself?"

Halting at his words, your shoes scuffed against the concrete, standing still. You felt your face fall at his words. You did say that, but you didn't mean to say that. Mentally cursing in your head, you tried to think of something to say. You were a terrible liar. It's something you knew you were awful at. But watching his brown eyes look into yours, you knew you couldn't tell him the truth. He wouldn't be your friend anymore. You couldn't lose him.

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