Chapter II

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"Well..." the doctor started, tapping his pen on his clipboard. He had a frown on his face, making me nervous. "We only ran a couple basic blood tests, but there seems to be some sort of disease there. Now, we don't know what it is... it's some unknown illness."

"Is there anything we can do?" I wasn't letting myself feel any worry until I knew how bad it was. I was Dallas Winston, and I knew if I bottled up emotion, I'd blow.

The doctor sighed. "Well, we'll have to run more tests. We'll need parental signature to proceed."

"I can sign for that," I said, reaching for the clipboard.

"ID please."

I reluctantly pulled it out of my pocket.

"You have to be eighteen."

I clenched my fists. "I'll be eighteen tomorrow."

"Then come back tomorrow."

"Could I sign?" Darry asked.

"Are you a legal guardian of the child?"

"No, sir, but..."

"I'm sorry. Is there a parent that can sign?"

I thought for a moment about our dilemma. "Just a second."

I walked into the hall and down to the receptionist's desk. "Can I help you?" the lady asked.

"I need to make a call."

"Go ahead."

I dialed my father's number. Part of me didn't expect him to answer, but I heard a grumbled "Who is it?" through the phone.

"It's Dallas. You need to get down to the hospital and sign something for Marylynn."

I heard a laugh, almost a maniacal laugh, through the phone. "I told you I don't want anything to do with that kid." He hung up the phone.

I stormed back into the hospital room. "C'mon, Minnie. We're leaving."

The doctor held up a hand to signal us to stay. "We'll figure it out."

"We'll be back tomorrow," I growled.

I took Minnie home and tucked her into bed. I left for work and returned in the early morning. I only got an hour of sleep because I got up earlier than usual. I ran to my dad's house and dragged him out of bed.

"Get out before I beat you," my father growled.

"No. Just come with me and Marylynn won't be your problem anymore. You just need to come sign a paper, and you never have to see her again."

He followed me to the city building and left as soon as he signed Marylynn into my custody. The lady helping us out shuffled through a few more papers. "Now that Marylynn is in your custody, would you like to take custody of your brother?"

My heart dropped. "I was not aware I had a brother."

"Yes. Michael Winston appears to be Marylynn's twin brother. He's in a boy's home in New York."

"I want custody of him."

"All right. Just sign here, and we'll give New York a call. You can pick him up any time."

I quickly signed. "Thank you." I got outta there real fast. I ran to the Curtis house and threw the door open. "Darry, tell me what to do!" I yelled.

He ran into the living room. "Are you okay?"

"I want to be there for Minnie and take her to the hospital, because I can sign for the tests now, but I need to get to New York."

"If you really need to get to New York, we can make it work here."

I started pacing. "Okay. I'll just sign for Minnie's tests, and I'll leave. I'll only be gone a couple days."

"If I may ask, what's so urgent in New York?" Darry asked.

I stopped pacing. "Turns out Minnie's got a twin brother in a boy's home in New York."

"Ah. What's his name?"


"Then you can call him Mickey!" Two-Bit laughed from his half-laying position.

"Since when have you been here?"

"Dal, you literally just stormed in here and didn't pay attention to anything."

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.

I didn't bother taking off my jacket. I went into the room Minnie and I shared-I would probably have to find somewhere new to live-and gently shook her awake. I wish I could let her sleep in more, but I needed to get going. Minnie opened her eyes, but she didn't bother getting up. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, and Darry drove us to the hospital.

"You're back," the doctor said.

"Yeah, of course I'm back."

"Did you bring an adult to sign for the tests?"

I shoved some paperwork at him. "I've got custody of her now. I'm officially eighteen."

The doctor looked over the papers. "Hmm, looks right. We'll start on the tests. One more thing..."


"You stormed out of here the other day before I could tell you what else we discovered. Marylynn's mute, as I'm sure you know... but it appears it is because of damage to the vocal cord. It's not natural damage... it seems to have been brought on by some sort of physical abuse."

I clenched by knuckles so tight they went white. "I hope my mother's enjoying her time behind bars," I muttered under my breath.

The doctor cleared his throat. "There is a surgeon in California who specializes in vocal cord surgeries and repairs. Of course, it's a very... expensive process. I'll let you consider it, though."

I nodded and turned to Minnie. "Listen, kid. I have to go for a few days, and the doctors have to run some tests while I'm gone. Two-Bit will be here in-" I looked at the clock- "about five minutes to keep you company."

Tears of fear and loneliness started to fill her eyes, so I took her in my arms. "It's okay, baby girl. I'll be back with your twin brother. I just have to leave to get him."

She pulled away and looked me in the eye. The tears had stopped, and she had a glimmer of hope and anxiety in her eyes. I couldn't tell if it was because she remembered Michael, or if she was just excited she had a brother.

"Good luck, Minnie. Love ya," I whispered, kissing her little forehead gently. I turned to the doc. "I'll be back in a few days. Be careful, man."

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