Transformation canceled

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All took out their magic pen , brooch or stone .

Thea Sisters : Thea Sisters ! Let's go !

Tanya : Liouli Spring ! Bloom !

Vic : Guardian Spirit North ! Awakening !

Craig : Guardian Spirit South ! Awakening !

Together, girls and boys are transformed .

Jolie : Chic and Romantique like Europe , I'm Jolie Colette !

Dynamic : The force of Africa , I'm Dynamic Pamela !

Glitter : The wealth of America , I'm Glitter Paulina !

Hyper : The greenish nature of Oceania , i'm Hyper Nicky !

Harmonia : The wisdom of Asia , I'm Harmonia Violet !

Thea Sisters : More than friends , sisters ! We are the Thea Sisters !

Liouli : The nature who feeds and health for animals and peoples , I'm Liouli Spring !

Norden : The guardian of north and earth , Cardinal Norden !

Suden : The guardian of south and fire , Cardinal Suden !

Jupiter : Callisto ! Europa !

Europa and Callisto put the stones in small bags .

Callisto/Europa : Yes , master ! Dia ! Amalthea ! Dia !

Leda/Dia/Amalthea : Yes , miss Europa and Callisto !

The three Satelles Minors took a Sacred Stone and it was Leda who summoned a Daimon .

Leda : Come here , Daimon !

The Daimon then made his appearance , in the form of a rooster . Meanwhile , Kate and Roni tried to reassure the children who are terrified by the cries of the monster .

Tommy :I'm scared !

Kate : It's okay .

Roni : Adams , Fontaine , stay with Stirling and kids !

Zoe : Okay !

Roni ran out of the dressing room .

Kate : Taylor , no !

Roni has to hide first . He reached into his pocket and found his own Stone Sacred , the Aquamarine . He pulls down the sleeve of his waistcoat , revealing his Cardinal Bracelet .

Roni : Guardian Spirit West ! Awakening !

He transforms into Cardinal Westen . Meanwhile , Thea Sisters , Norden , Suden , and Liouli are in full combat against the enemies . Norden versus Callisto . Harmonia faced off against Europa . Glitter and Suden , Amalthea . Hyper versus Dia . Dynamic confronts Leda . And finally , Liouli fights the Daimon alone . Only Jupiter did nothing that is still up in the air . He only contemplates the battle between his moons against the enemies . During the fight , only one is missing , Jolie . The last Thea Sisters is behind the giant and rushes towards him . Jolie tries to hit him with all her might , but the enemy grabs her paw . She tries to hit him again but Jupiter faster than she has to grab her paw again . Then Jolie tried and tried but to no avail until Jupiter grabbed her wrist and held her tightly . He grabbed her so tight that Jolie was unable to free herself .

Jupiter : Hm .

Then , the largest planet in the solar system broke the mouselet's arm . Jolie screamed in pain . Her scream was loud enough for the others to hear .

Dynamic : Jolie !

Dynamic kicked Leda hard to push her away for a moment and rushed to her friend's aid .

Dynamic : Beat Force Shoot !

Dynamic launched her attack against Jupiter but the latter , much stronger than the other members of the SSA absorbs her attack , which shocks the young girl and Jolie . Then , Jupiter generates powerful electricity and shoots Dynamic . Dynamic is electrocuted and falls to the ground .

Jolie : Dynamic !

Her friend crashed violently on the stage . Dynamic can no longer move , Jupiter's attack paralyzes her . His lightning is stronger than Glitter's lightning . Worse still , Dynamic's transformation was canceled , she became Pamela again . When Pamela can now move , she looks at herself .

Pamela : What is happening ?! Why my transformation is cancelled ?!

Jolie : Oh no !

Jolie is next . As Jupiter had not let go of Jolie yet .

Jupiter : You next .

With his paw free , he produced electricity again and his paw rested on the Rose Quartz heart of Jolie . And , the mouselet was in turn electrocuted . Just like Pamela , the transformation is canceled . Jupiter released her and Colette fell .

Pamela : Colette !

In the middle of the fight , Harmonia , Glitter , Hyper , Liouli , Suden and Norden saw their friend fall . Fortunately , Cardinal Westen appeared , jumped up and grabbed the paralyzed Colette in his arms .

Westen : Colette !

Westen joined Pamela . Colette can finally move .

Pamela : Colette !

Colette : My arm !

While any of them could give an angry look at one of the Solar System Apotre or any other enemy , but Westen has a very calm look . Any Thea Sisters or one of their allies could yell at the enemy , but not Westen , his voice remains calm and soft .

Westen : So like that...I see you still want to eliminate the Thea Sisters and their allies...Apotre Jupiter .

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