Chapter 1: Prologue

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Upon the world of Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Eternal Empire, sat the latest in a long line of Sith Emperors, who personally led the Sith into a new Golden Age not seen since the times of Emperor Valkorion himself, and kneeling before him is his personal Acolyte

"Rise Darth Zannah."

The female Sith overlord obeyed the Emperor, and upon rising, gave a small bow.

"My lord, I bring news of a discovery by a scout team."

"Go on."

"One of the scout teams was sent to the far sectors of the Outer Rim, attempting to discover if there was an undiscovered star system in the area. They discovered one that was composed of a single yellow dwarf star, possessing 1.2 solar masses, three terrestrial planets, three gaseous planets, one planetoid, and one sub-brown dwarf, They have designated it as the Helioset System. Only one of the planets is habitable, populated by a humanoid population. Their technology is primitive, industrial-based, their society is broken in clans, and the planetary population seems to be involved in some sort of continental scale war, utilizing nuclear weaponry."

The Emperor looked on is curiosity

"Do you have a holographic image of the planet?"

"Yes, my lord." Zannah removed a small holoprojector from her robes, and activated the device, the Emperor looked on in shock at a planet he had not seen for millenia

"Terra..." he whispered.

Ten thousand years ago the planet was once a colony of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, but there is still one question that needs to be answered

"Tell me Darth Zannah, how can a star system in the Outer Rim have remained undetected for so long?"

"We are not sure, my Lord. but there seems to be a Dark Nebula protecting the Helioset system as well as a Time Warp, among other things as well. From what the Inquisitor has informed me of, the star system is similar to Mandalore's, but the planet itself is more similar to Naboo..."

"Yes, that is interesting." the Emperor thought, as a Dark Nebula would provide protection incase of an attack, as the high concentration of Dark Matter prevents Hyperspace travel

"There was also something else, my Lord."

"Enlighten me, Acolyte."

"The Inquisitor noted that there was a high concentration of Dark Energy in the area, and more specifically upon the planet itself, being emitted from the planetary core, and unfortunately the Republic has discovered the Helioset System as well."

That was cause for concern. As if the Republic uncovers evidence of Rakatan involvement, it could lead to the Republic's, and more importantly the Jedi's discovery of the Sith Eternal Empire

"Darth Zannah, I'm sending you to look through the records of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, look for any evidence of Rakatan involvement in the Helioset System."

"It shall be done, My lord."

"Now leave."

As the Sith Overlord (read Overlady) left the sanctum. The Emperor appeared thoughtful before adopting a cold look

"So destiny has decreed that the time for me to return to my birth place is now... fine as the Force, decrees it... so shall it be"

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