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Elena's POV (The next morning, Elena's house in Duskwood)

I barely and very painfully opened my eyes and the light from the window immediately blinded me. I can't even describe how much my headache was bothering me. I buried my head in the pillow and started feeling around the bed with my hand to find my phone. When I finally felt it, I looked at it and saw that it was almost 12.

Elena: Damn it - I jumped out of bed.

I had an hour to pull myself together and get to the motel because I'm starting my shift. Just great. Well... since I lost my appetite through this whole situation, I guess I'll skip breakfast. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and while I was brushing my teeth, I opened the chat because I heard notifications...

 I took a quick shower, got dressed, and while I was brushing my teeth, I opened the chat because I heard notifications

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I turned off my phone, burst out laughing, and spat out my toothpaste out of my mouth. We continued our small chat for a few more minutes while I put on my jacket and shoes, and then I left the house and arrived at the motel in 15 minutes.

Lilly: Oh, there you are, Elena! - A smile immediately appeared on her face as soon as she saw me at the entrance - Good morning, how are you?

A smile also automatically appeared on my face. She is so polite and nice... and to think that we strongly hated each other at first, and now? She cares about me probably the most out of everyone in Duskwood. I could say that I treat her like a sister, really. I know I can trust her, so... I decided to confide in her...

Elena: Well... - I began uncertainly as I approached the reception desk - To be honest, not very well - I scratched my head and a grimace appeared on my face.

Lilly: I know, I know... - She chuckled as she continued working on her work computer - I'm barely alive after that party too and...

Elena: No, no... - I sighed - I'm not talking about the party, Lilly.

Lilly immediately looked at me and turned pale.

Lilly: Elena, what are you talking about? - She began to analyze me with her gaze - What happened? Are you in danger again?

Elena: No, I mean... - I sighed and began rubbing my closed eyes - I don't know.

I looked at her again and saw tears immediately appear in her frightened eyes. That sight broke my heart. I know how exhausted she already is from all of this, and now this... I don't know if I mentioned it before, but ever since that kidnapping at the cabin, Lilly has been going to therapy. I should be the one worrying about her, not the other way around. However, it's already too late... she has always been the one I had to work with, even during the worst moments. She is the only person who can help me and understand me...

Lilly: You can't even imagine how stressed I am right now, Elena - She said slowly, not taking her eyes off me - You have to tell me immediately what happened.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐦 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now