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Elena's POV (A few minutes later, the DIC headquarters)

When I finished my morning routine, I changed into comfortable clothes and moved to Luka's office. Suspicion and distrust immediately appeared on my face when standing at the threshold of his room, I saw two coffee cups on the table next to his laptop.

Luka: Relax, I made them myself - He spread his arms in a gesture of innocence and chuckled lightly.

Elena: Lucky you - I replied with a joyful smile and closed the door behind me - So, what about the laptop? - I walked towards his desk.

Luka: Well... - He raised his eyebrows and sighed - I managed to get through his security system somehow, but I still think it's just the tip of the iceberg. It was definitely too easy - He leaned his cheek on his hand, still looking at the screen.

Elena: Or... - I sat down next to him and smiled even more - Or you're underestimating yourself. Somehow I'm here, right? - I settled comfortably in the chair and folded my hands behind my head - Taking that into account, I can say with great confidence that you're competent enough to voodoo Jake's systems - I chuckled.

I saw him glance at me out of the corner of his eye and slightly smile, covering his mouth with his hand on which he rested his cheek.

Elena: But coming back to the laptop... - I approached Jake's laptop - Did you find something?

Luka: Well... - He began to show me things on the monitor - Here's Jake's main disk and...

Elena: Yeah, I know - I nodded while still looking at the screen - And here's his voodoo-hacking-bot-chat program he used to message me - I pointed to the icon with my finger.

Luka: How the hell do you know that? - He looked at me shocked and chuckled lightly.

Elena: When we were analyzing the photos that Jessy and Thomas took in Jennifer's hideout, Jake shared his screen with me - I shrugged - It was much faster and easier that way.

Luka: No way... - He slightly opened his mouth and looked at me and then at the screen with his shocked smile - No, you must be joking.

Elena: No, why? - I looked at him questioningly.

Luka: No one, and I mean no one... - He emphasized and raised his finger - No one has ever had any access to his equipment, he never even let me play with his programs despite such a long friendship - He chuckled again.

Elena: It wasn't my idea but his - I shrugged again.

Luka: I just can't fucking believe it... - He started massaging his face, still resting his elbows on the table and laughing slightly.

Elena: You don't have to.

Luka: No, no... - He looked at me again and started waving his hand slightly - Don't get me wrong. I meant that it's just unimaginable how huge influence you have on him.

When I heard this, my cheeks slightly reddened, but luckily this shocking information of Jake sharing his screen with me confused Luka so much that he didn't notice my red face. Well... In such moments, however, I'm grateful for the stiff, corporate atmosphere thanks to which they don't pay attention to such things.

Elena: Well then... - I coughed slightly and approached the desk again - Shall we begin?

Luka: Mhm, yes - He nodded once he finally calmed down and focused on Jake's laptop monitor again - So, Jake wrote in the letter that everything we need is on this laptop, right?

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐦 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now