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Solemn and warm. That would be the outsiders would say if they happens to come inside the village. Children running happily, jumping from roof to roof. Their giggles making me think that somehow, Ninjas were doing their job great. Protecting their citizens away from harm, protecting their smiles.

Is this the will of fire, everybody was talking about? I don't understand. I firmly believe that it's their own responsibility to keep their smiles. Not someone, not others but themselves alone. Hatred is born along with responsibility. Life is born along with death and death is darkness - it's what everyone wanted to believe. Death is unacceptable in this world. Because it's all gloomy and all agony. A pure darkness might I say.

Killing resulted to death. Everyone's an artist of death, slaves of death if not. Rare people demands death and whoever may has a chance will heed. Even a Ten year old like me was ordered to kill in sight if I somehow encounter an enemy from another land. Without mercy, I have to kill because I have to live. Death is not an option for us but killing is making me bore. Killing doesn't have to be ugly. Ugliness is drowning me.

"Flamboyancy is the word I highly looked up. What if we apply it while going onto killing spree?" It would be truly amazing. Not minding how much lives I end, just kill with passion and fury. End their miserable lives for waging a war. For forcing children to fight alongside with them. A cruel world indeed. Adults, their problem will most likely to fall onto my path soon. Should I force myself to get ready?


"No.." I uttered, agonizing myself. "Do not come out. Do not pick the kunai." I mumbled, hands on the tree trunk for a support. Gaze fixated on the woman inside her house. Tonight, we are ordered to annihilate a group of bandits. Innocent or guilty as long as they accompanied them - death will become their judgement. "Please don't make me a murderer. Do not pick the kunai." I told her.

But she only gave me a painful smile, "It's okay. I understand. You're more pitiful than I am. You are a child but you're already bloodied." She said, finally got a hand on Kunai. "It will be okay. You have to kill me, little girl. You wouldn't kill me if I didn't insisted a fight, right?" Despite of the commotions outside, her voice is the only sound I could hear. Making me remember her painfully.

"You don't have to do that. You can live, ma'am. You can go inside our village. Start a new life... do not chose death." Isn't it too early for her to die? I always that living inside the village is peaceful. They have us, their protectors. 

"If life only works like that... then pain will be concealed but little girl, it doesn't work that way." With that said, she rushed on me with hopes of beheading me but failed when she felt a sharp pain thrusted on her abdomen. "You don't play on your food, are you?"

I shook my head, "I prefer silent killings than torture..." I lowly said, looking away from her bloodied figure. "You've had a chance but still prefer death... why?" Despite of being in a state of agony, I dared to ask because I am purely curious.

"When you realized how cruel the world was, you'll plead to whoever to bring your death on your door step." With her, muttering her last world; her body met the cold ground making me laugh with tears dripping down my eyes.

"Great. I just killed a three generation of women tonight."

( - _ - )

"Mission accomplished, sir" I uttered with respect, fully covering the grievance inside me. "We have eliminated them.." I thought that war was about to end but still we are needed to clean up their mess. Forcing us to look on the bloodbath with wide eyes and open mind. Shunning the fear inside our hearts, but in the reality we're just doing it for validations.

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