091. "worlds apart, when it went dark"

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31:07 ─❁────────── 31:80

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Illuminate, set ablaze

You make me light up like a firefly


          "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING this again..."

"It isn't going to be bad," said Harry optimistically. They were in the locker room, preparing for the last Quidditch practice before the match against Ravenclaw. "You did amazing last year!"

"You heard that from who exactly?" said Lucia in a frenzy. She ruffled her hair in distress, "Why oh why did you have to get detention before the match?!"

"Blame that on Snape!"

"I'm blaming it on you because of that stunt you and Malfoy pulled a few days ago!"

"Okay, fair..."

Lucia scoffed, as she fastened the knot of her scarlet bow. "I better get paid for this..."

"If you want to, I can arrange that?" said Harry, trying to make her feel better.

She slammed the locker shut, leaning forward before banging her head on it, just to feel something with the ongoing numbness she was being overwhelmed by. Harry gaped at this, but he seemingly couldn't find any words to say, speechless.

As she staggered backward, holding her red forehead, Lucia mustered up a small smile. "Okay, let's go," she said.

"Let's — what did you do that for?!"

"I was trying to feel something!" sobbed Lucia. "I can't do this! I've only gotten a few hours of practice before the real thing! This isn't like last year, Harry!"

"Okay... the circumstances are rather impractical..."

"Impractical?! More like insane! This is the stupidest thing you and Ginny could ever come up with!" she said.

"Your anger and sadness are justifiable, but I believe in you," said Harry earnestly.

"Yeah, no. Your thoughts aren't going to make me feel better about this situation," deadpanned Lucia.

Harry shrugged. "Worth a try,"

This was crazy, she thought. She was unfit for this. It was completely different than how it was last year, where she was trained non-stop by Angelina. This time, she barely had any training and enjoyed her time without sports after years of having to do gymnastics against her will. Now she was going back into being an athlete or a jock or whatever because insanely to them, she was their last hope as Seeker.

𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now