its okay to be scared

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Mei mei's pov

"Mom I'm gay" She had sat there in silence I don't know why but it made me feel so ashamed I just couldn't deal with this I-i- panicked and ran out the house.....
Not long after mom walked out with some tea and handed me it I looked at her in silence

"Mei mei...I get it its okay to be scared or afraid I'm just glad you told me and you know your father wasn't my first lover " "what do you mean?"

She looked over to me and sighed with a smile "I was young and trying new things I don't regret what I had with her but I do love your father more than anything in the world" I sat in silence as she continued "i-i met this girl her name was Vivian but she whent by V we were in love for a while we went places my mother would've never of approved of but I couldn't care less I was just so In love but we didn't work out we fought and evantly she moved up state to stay with her dad"

I took a few minutes to process what I had just heard "if she hadn't of moved would you still have met dad??"

"I don't know but I do know I love your father,evan though me and her where just young it doesn't mean I regret it so I understand what your going through"

"I love you mom" I said as I hugged her tightly "Soo you still haven't told me who your girlfriend is?" "So erm you know miriam well we-it- kinda just happened" "hmm well she better take good care of you my little mei mei"
The next day

Tyler's pov
Group chat


Miriam: what?

Abby: spill tyker also HAPPY SUNDAY:))

Tyler: we have a new teacher and she's supposed to be super firggin hot 🔥

Abby: OOO what's her name??

Tyler: not sure

Priya: i know it its miss V or Vivian she's Vicki's moms friend

Mei: did you just..say Vivian

Miriam: you okay mei?

(ALSO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING its just i have been struggling with my mental health lately but I promise you I will be writing more of this book in the future no more waiting)

Mei X Miriam <3Where stories live. Discover now